


About a year ago, my eldest daughter said, “I'm going to Australia on a working holiday.”


After that, I didn't hear anything about it, so it probably fell through.


I'm in my early 20s and can't speak English very well, but I've been wandering around the world (part of it).


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However, I think that

―― 私は『英語はしゃべれなかった』けど、『英単語を叫ぶ』くらいのことはした

Even though I “couldn't speak English,” I did at least “shout out English words.”



I've never seen or read “Crying Out Love, in the Center of the World” (of course), but I have been “shouting out English words” in a corner of Southeast Asia (and some parts of Central Asia).

で、これで、なんとかなりました ―― 「放浪」とか格好いいこといっていますけど、所詮「旅行」ですからね。「仕事」じゃないので、私の愚かさの責任は、私一人で負えば足りました。

So, I managed somehow - I may have said some cool things like “wandering,” but it's just a “trip,” after all. It's not “work,” so I only had to take responsibility for my stupidity.



I heard a news report about a young person who wanted to go on a working holiday in Australia but couldn't introduce themselves in English.


When I first saw this news, I thought, “I guess they're making a big deal out of an unusual case.”


It is a “working holiday,” which means “working.” I thought it was absurd to go and work there with such poor English skills that I couldn't even introduce myself, but now I've changed my mind.


“Their attitudes are good.”


Yes, that's fine. I'm sorry to Australia. I want the country to become a language training institution for our country's youth.


If you work in Australia and survive the ordeal, you will probably be able to acquire English.


Even if you fail spectacularly, you will gain a lot.



I'm willing to bet that there are always older men and women who, when they see news like this, start lecturing about how it's absurd to jump into a situation like this with English skills that they can't self-introduction.


You shouldn't take their words seriously. You can ignore all those kinds of people.


It would be best if you started acting on your own without consulting anyone, following your intuition, without calculating the risks, and acting straightforwardly and honestly.


It's not a good idea to talk to other people about it.


Especially, “talking to your parents” is the worst.


Because they know they will stop it, they “oppose everything” not part of their life experience.


In my case, I would send a telegram from overseas to report on the situation afterward.


(If you plan to rely on your parents or other people for travel and living expenses, you are not serious about studying abroad.)


Perhaps your attempts won't be as successful as you'd hoped. If you can succeed somehow, even if it's just a tiny part, that's great. On the other hand, there's a high chance that you'll fail, but that's okay.


Because the time you can make big mistakes is not very long.


If you're going to do it, do it now.


―― と、まあ、ここまでは建前です。

Well, that's the official story.


Let's get straight to the point from here.

『「英単語を叫ぶ」だけで、なんとかなる』 ―― という体験を得た若者は、我が国の貴重なアセット(資産)となります。

Young people who experience “getting by just by shouting out English words” are a valuable asset to our country.


The words we seniors should say to the young people are, “Ignore us and act foolishly.”


The phrase also fits in with the senior strategy of pushing risks onto young people and reaping the benefits ourselves as older people.

まあ、非道であることは認めますが、それでも ―― 神風特攻隊に若者を乗せて死地に追いやった司令官(戦後、責任を取って自死した人間は、私が知る限りたったの一人)に比べれば、はるかにマシです。

Well, I'll admit that it's inhumane. Still, even so - it's a far better strategy than the one used by the commander of the Kamikaze Special Attack Unit, who sent young men to their deaths (of the people who took responsibility and committed suicide after the war, there was only one person that I know of).

