
―― 私は、政治に関わる強い意思がある。それゆえ投票はしたい。だが、信任に値する候補者が『私の選挙区』にはおらず、信任に値する政党もない


The House of Representatives election in my district,

―― だめだ。誰にも投票したいと思えない

"I can't do it. I can't bring myself to vote for anyone."



I used the checklist I made last night to check the “back-alley money lawmakers” and “Unification Church lawmakers.”



When I looked at the NHK candidate questionnaire, I removed people who responded with “No response” or other silly responses.


I looked up each candidate's claims on the web, but there was a lot of 'stupid' content.

■AI技術による政治改革、おおいに結構。で、そのAIプラットフォームはどこにあるんですか? まさか、『当選したらこれを作る』とか寝惚けたこと言っているんじゃないですよね。そんなもん、稼働中の生成AIに、入力テキストをラッピングすれだけのものであれば、数日もあれば作れますよね? できないんですか? できないのに"AI"うんぬん語っているんですか?

Political reform through AI technology is excellent. So, where is this AI platform? You're not saying something silly like, “I'll make this if I get elected,” right? If it's just wrapping the input text around a running generative AI, you can make it in a few days, right? Can't you? Are you talking about “AI” when you can't?


Can you win votes these days by promising to improve the infrastructure of trains and roads? This isn't the Showa era. Instead, I wonder if the reason why the idea of “IT infrastructure that can be done locally, without relying on the central government” hasn't come up is because the candidate is hopeless with IT or whether it's because the voters in his constituency are hopeless with IT (or maybe it's both)?

■相変わらず数値で語る候補者がいません ―― まあ、数字を語ると有権者が逃げる、というのも事実なのですが

There are still no candidates who talk about figures. Well, it's true that voters run away


I have two children, but I don't care what happens to young people. I'm also expecting a lot of 'young people's disinterest in elections' this time. I'm going to finish my life by devouring my children's future.

政治に興味のない方、特に、若い世代の方は、今日も"Stay Home"で、投票はボイコットしましょう。



I have included “white votes” in my scope for the first time this time.

―― 私は、政治に関わる強い意思がある。それゆえ投票はしたい。だが、信任に値する候補者が『私の選挙区』にはおらず、信任に値する政党もない

"I have a strong desire to be involved in politics. That's why I want to vote. However, there are no candidates in 'my constituency' who deserve my vote, and there are no political parties that deserve my vote either."


While a blank ballot is considered a valid vote, it does not indicate support for a particular candidate or political party. Still, it is regarded as a form of expression of one's political will.


If there are a lot of blank votes, it reflects the voters' dissatisfaction with the election or the fact that they don't have a candidate they support, so it's 'significant.'

白票が全投票の50%を越える選挙区が出たら ―― これほど痛快な「政治批判」はないと思いませんか?

If there is an electoral district where the number of blank votes exceeds 50% of the total votes cast, don't you think that would be the most satisfying form of “political criticism”?
