
―― 私たちが培ってきた「良心」は、簡単に「命令」に負ける


As I wrote in “Only Mr. Ebata can be a guard in an extermination camp”,


Junior: “In a nutshell, it's not me. It's my superior's orders. It's a classic example of a person who stops thinking and says their superior made the decision, not them. Morality can be easily blown away by shifting responsibility and organizational hierarchies. It's tough to resist this. As you know.”


Ebata: “I remember hearing something like that. I remember hearing that Adolf Eichmann said that the 'acts of genocide in the extermination camps were ‘administrative procedures based on domestic law’'.”




When I heard on the news that “the main suspect in the robbery and murder case committed by a part-time worker was receiving instructions throughout the crime via smartphone,” I remembered this story about Eichmann.

―― 私たちが培ってきた「良心」は、簡単に「命令」に負ける

"The “conscience” we have cultivated can easily be defeated by “orders.”


The above is also consistent with my own experience.


I was and am working while destroying my body and mind.


The person giving the order may think, “This is not something you should do even if it goes against your conscience,” but that is irrelevant to the person receiving it.

上司は上司であるだけで「暴力装置」であり、シニアはシニアであるだけで「時間強奪装置」です ―― そして、上司もシニアも、この自覚が絶無です。

The boss is a “violent device” just because he is the boss, and the senior staff are “time-exploiting devices” just because they are the senior staff - and both the boss and the senior staff are entirely unaware of this.


Leaving that aside.



We, humans, are such simple, weak creatures that we can easily commit the greatest of crimes, “robbery and murder,” on simple “orders.”


Of course, I am no exception to this.

これについては、アイヒマンの主張をベースに行われた、1960年代にアメリカの心理学者スタンレー・ミルグラム(Stanley Milgram)が行った「ミルグラム実験(Milgram Experiment)」でググって下さい。

For more information on this, please search for “Milgram Experiment” on Google, conducted by American psychologist Stanley Milgram in the 1960s based on Eichmann's claims.


This experiment is one of the important studies in social psychology and is often cited in discussions of obedience to authority and moral dilemmas.



Anyway, you should stay away from things like that (things that have the potential to receive orders to kill or injure people).


So let's say, “Stay away from dark work” and “If you smell dark work, run away as fast as you can.”

あなたも、私も、簡単に「殺人者」になってしまいます ―― 本当に、びっくりするほど「簡単」に、です。

You and I could quickly become “murderers” - it would be really, surprisingly “easy.”



Even if you and I have no money and have to die of starvation, if we can go on thinking, 'I didn't kill anyone with my own hands,' I think that would be a life worth being proud of.

私は、娘たちの素行について嫁さんと話をする時に、『なんやかんやいっても、彼女らは、"人殺し"だけはしていないんだから』と擁護することがありますが ――

When I talk with my wife about the behavior of our daughters, I sometimes defend them by saying, “No matter what, they haven't killed anyone.”  However, 


My wife says that I have too low an ambition.
