先日、EE Times Japanの村尾さん寄稿された、「英語ができれば開発力も上がる? やっぱり立ちはだかる語学の壁」という題目のコラムを読みました。
The other day, I read a column by Ms. Murao of EE Times Japan titled “If you can speak English, will your development ability improve? I read a column by Mr. Murao of EE Times Japan titled, “Does English Improve Development Skills?
The part about “Germans also have trouble with English” was interesting. I have experienced this, too.
In a park in the morning in Berlin, I tried to buy a hot dog from a stall and spoke in English (my English is at the level of “crippled” and non-existent), but I remember the man at the stall made a gesture that he did not understand English.
We Japanese tend to think that we are the only ones who are unfairly suffering from English, but basically, non-English speaking people are suffering the same way.
とは言え、私は「努力をしましょう」とは言いません ―― 「諦めましょう」といいます。
However, I don't say, “Let's make an effort” -- I say, “Let's give up”.
However, even if you “give up,” it is not the binarized kind of giving up where there are only 0s and 1s, but the “0.2 or 0.5 giving up” method, which is introduced here. Please read it.
Aside from that.
With the recent addition of a non-native Japanese speaker to our team, it is increasingly difficult to avoid and live in English.
However, we must remember that it is not only us who suffer from being forced to use English but also “non-native English speakers.”
There is also something I have come to understand as opportunities for this kind of work increase.
(1) Having one person on the team who is more highly fluent in English than I am drastically reduces my efforts to understand English.
(2) When Japanese are in the majority of a team, it is easy for the conversation to become Japanese-based before you know it.
First, for (1), my mind starts skipping out, saying, 'Yeah, I don't understand what you're saying, so I'll ask that person (who is well-versed in English) later.
As for (2), you may start a conversation in English, but before you know it, you will speak Japanese with Japanese people at the end of the conversation.
What is clear is,
―― 日本語って、本当に心底から目も眩むくらいに"ラクチン"
"Japanese language is a dazzling “making me easy” from the bottom of my heart."
The other thing is that the phases we must use in English change dynamically.
Until now, I (we) had to go overseas by myself and participate in meetings as a minority.
Recently, however, Japanese who use Japanese have become the majority (majority) for meetings in English.
Under these circumstances, our “enthusiasm” and “preparedness” for English will be much “looser.”
だって、最悪の場合、日本語を使えばいいんですから 、そりゃそうなりますよ。
Because, in the worst-case scenario, we can use Japanese.
What worries me is that the arrogant idea that 'if you are in Japan, go ahead and learn to use Japanese' is becoming dominant in the country.
しかし、これは、私たちが、米国や英国でやられたことの『仕返し』をしているようなもので ―― とても見苦しい、と思います。
But I think this is like us getting 'payback' for what was done to us in the U.S. and U.K. -- very unseemly.
英語での打ち合わせを強行すると、日本人が、一斉に沈黙し始めるんですよ ―― うん、分かる、分かるよ。恥をかきたくないし、それ以上に、自分の言いたいことを表現できないのがもどかしいし。
When I force a meeting in English, Japanese people, all at once, start to be silent -- yes, I know, I know. I don't want to embarrass myself; more than that, it's frustrating not being able to express what I want.
I will be silent.
チーム内に一人英語に通じている人がいれば、私は完全に黙りこみます ―― そんでもって、打ち合わせの後に、その人と個人的に日本語で相談の電話をする、と。
If one person on the team is fluent in English, I would be completely silent -- and then, after the meeting, I would call that person privately for advice in Japanese.
This is the essence of my, Ebata's, cleverness.
No, we don't.
私は、こういう、小賢しい日本人を量産したくて、あのコラムの連載をしていた訳ではないはずなんだけど ―― しかしながら、フェーズが変わるだけで、人間は劇的に変わるものです。
I am sure I was not writing that series of columns to mass produce these petulant and clever Japanese -- however, people can change dramatically just by changing phases.
Always in the direction of ease, ease, ease.