ミシュラン三つ星レストラン ―― この称号がレストランにとっての栄誉であり、また私たちにとって美食を選ぶ基準であることは、揺ぎない事実です(まあ、高価な食事に無縁の私には、あまり関係がないのですが)。
A Michelin three-star restaurant -- it is an undeniable fact that this title is an honor for the restaurant and a criterion for our gastronomic choices (well, not so much for me, as I am not a big fan of expensive food).
Michelin is a tire manufacturing company.
Also, I feel that “if you are a tire maker, you should devote your life to tire research and development (R&D).
As an engineer, it is my nature to say, “If you have money to spend on finding a good restaurant, spend it on developing tires that do not sag even over very long distances and that can stop as quickly on icy road surfaces as on standard road surfaces.
Nevertheless, it is also true that Michelin's restaurant rating system is linked to its core business.
Michelin is a French tire manufacturer, and the Michelin Guide was first published in 1900 as a guidebook for drivers.
Initially, the magazine included information on how to use and repair tires, auto repair shops, gas stations, hotels, and restaurants. Still, the magazine's history dates back to 1926, when a rating system was introduced to award stars to hotels and restaurants that served excellent food.
その一方、その歴史的経緯を考えると、私は、ミシュランが評価すべき対象は、道路沿いのラーメン屋、定食屋、ファストフード、またはドライブイン(道の駅を含み)ではないか、とも思うのですが ―― まあ、それはさておき。
On the other hand, given its historical background, I wonder if Michelin should be evaluating roadside noodle shops, set menus, fast food, or drive-ins (including roadside stations) -- well, let's put that aside.
On December 5, 2024, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) registered “traditional sake brewing,” such as Japanese sake, as an intangible cultural heritage.
This seems to have brought joy to sake breweries throughout Japan.
While all sake breweries are struggling to manage their operations and are faced with the problem of successors, it is a great encouragement to have an authoritative organization such as UNESCO recognize that “Japanese sake brewing is a cultural heritage of excellence.
This means they were praised, saying, 'What you are doing/what you have done is terrific.
This praise gave courage to the engineers on site (in this case, "to" and "Morabito," or brewers).
If “praise” makes you feel positive and gives you energy for tomorrow, that's great.
Money (rewards) alone is not enough to make people think positively.
When accompanied by “praise” and “respect,” people can move forward positively on their initiative.
A Michelin star means, “What you are doing and what you have been doing is terrific.
でも、その程度のことも分かっていない人間って、本当に多いですよね ―― 特に日本は。
But so many people don't even know that much -- especially in Japan.
日本の生産性がずっと低下しているのは、この「Let me say "Thank you"」ができていないからだと、私は本気で思っています。
I work hard at my job, but the days of being told nothing about it, only to be told the next assignment, are exhausting.
私、仕事の途中で色々なアイデアが出てくるのですが、『どうせ、これを実装しても、スルーされて、さらに難しいことを言われるだけだろう』と思うと ―― 『何もせずに黙っていた方がマシだ』と思うようになります。
I get a lot of ideas in the middle of my work, but when I think, 'If I implement this anyway, I'll just be passed over and told to do something even more difficult,' I think, 'It's better to do nothing and keep quiet.'
And, I am less motivated to work (or, worse, they become depressed).
さらに酷くなれば、『前向きにがんばっている人間の足をひっぱりたく』なってきます(本当) ―― それが嫌いな奴であれば、その気持ちは、さらに強いものになります。
If it gets worse, I will want to 'pull the leg of someone who is trying hard to be positive' (true) -- and if it's someone you don't like, the feeling will be even stronger.
If this kind of mindset prevails throughout the nation, it is no wonder that our country's productivity is low.
In this diary, I also wrote, 'Even the supervisor of an engineer who achieves a goal does not want to praise him or her publicly.' This kind of boss behavior is treated as a “virtue” throughout Project X.
Can we do something about this 'shitty culture and practice' that has been inherited by our country's engineers (and maybe other fields as well)?
ただ、私が見ている限り、「寡黙な男のほとんどは『低能』」 ―― とまで言わないものの、インプットされている知識量が圧倒的に少ない様に見えました。