Before my eldest daughter's wedding, I had told her at length.
Me: If you do anything like a speech or recording of “'Father and mother. Thank you for your .....", I'll ruin the wedding, so be prepared.
Eldest: “You don't like it that much?”
Me: “I hate it so much it makes me sick.
Eldest: “Why, you don't like it that much?”
Me: “I am extremely uncomfortable with the fact that I am being paired with a clichéd, scheduled role in a ‘sob story.’ I hate this kind of role on a level that is not too much to say that it is a self-denial of my life.”
Eldest: “By the way, how do you mean ‘ruined’?”
Me: “Well, I guess. 'With an uncomfortable look, walk away from the front gate of the venue, and slam the door shut' and I will say, "I'm disappointed to learn that this is the extent of my daughter's gratitude,” or some such speech.".You know I'm serious.
So, yesterday, I received this from my eldest daughter.
―― あいつ(長女)、よく、分かっているじゃないか
"-- She (the eldest daughter) knows exactly what I want."
I was delighted.
Thanks should be left with a clear statement, accompanied by words, and made between the parties (by the way, this letter of sentiment is wrapped in laminate).
I believe the above refers to the following diary entries.
Well, rather than a diploma, an Eiken certificate, a certificate for a paper award, or an encouragement award from an international conference, much less an in-house prize, my eldest daughter's “letter of commendation” -- made me much happier and prouder.
―― はるかに嬉しく、誇らしい気持ちになった
"I felt much happier and prouder."
I wanted to leave this message with her and let her know that I was very proud of her.
Gratitude becomes “gratitude” only when it is put into words, expressed, left behind, and conveyed to that person.
日本の生産性がずっと低下しているのは、この「Let me say "Thank you"」ができていないからだと、私は本気で思っています。