


We have cameras that run continuously 24 hours a day on our front porch and in our yard. They capture dynamic conditions and store them in a Raspberry Log. (By the way, the camera I am using is one I picked up as junk.)


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Our oldest daughter has left home, and our second daughter may leave next year for a job.


This means that we will be living together next year and should be living alone in the not-too-distant future.


I should take action before that happens.


If I were to be robbed, I would try to keep a mountain of video evidence.


I am uncomfortable installing a camera in a room, so I am considering installing it in the staircase ceiling (PoE makes wiring more manageable, I'm afraid).

サーバも、ラズパイから、クラウド(Amazon LightSail)で管理する方向で考えています。

I am also considering managing the server from Raspi to the cloud (Amazon LightSail).



Speaking of cameras, I have a lot of history.



This story is about a request from the police to install cameras.


Perhaps because I had installed cameras all around my house, people thought, 'This house has low psychological resistance to camera installation' (well, that's true).


Well, what we provided from our home was the “power supply” and part of the yard to place the cameras. I had a glimpse of the video transmission system, and the basic configuration is the same as what I am building, and I thought to myself, “I guess the police are struggling with their budget too.

「この警察からの依頼は、合法なのか?」 とも思いましたが、深く考えるのを止めました。『面白そう』という興味の方が勝りました。

I thought, “Is this request from the police legitimate?” But I decided not to think about it too much. I was more interested in the 'fun' aspect of it.


I surmise that it was probably to understand the suspect's daily behavior patterns.

犯罪者の皆さんは、私のような「権力の犬(の犬)」が、少なからず存在することを覚悟して下さい ―― というか、『犯罪者なら定住なんぞするな』と説教したくなります。

Criminals, please be prepared that there are more than a few “dogs(s) of power” like me. Or, as I would like to preach, “If you are a criminal, don't settle down.”



I now have five experimental cameras in my field of view.

江端家システムのセキュリティを破って、カメラのロックを外せれれば、私の部屋の中は覗き放題です ―― 私の部屋の中を見て何か楽しいことがあるのかは、私には分かりませんが、少なくとも私に恥をかかせることはできるでしょう。

If you can break the security of the Ebata family system and unlock the cameras, you can peek inside my room all you want -- I don't know if there is anything fun in looking inside my room, but at least you can embarrass me.



I don't think, 'Only my house is burglar-proof.


Elderly homes are always a target for burglars.


However, even if I am murdered, I am determined not to be killed easily.


Incidentally, in our house, not only cameras but also weapons (bats) for beating are ready to be taken out immediately.

強盗に金庫を開けるように言われたら、私は素直に開けます ―― が、金庫の中には、犯人を殺傷できる武器も入っています。

If a robber asks me to open a safe, I open it honestly -- but the safe also contains a weapon that can kill or injure the criminal.

という訳で ―― この平和な時代にあっても、「武装」という概念を持ち続けているシニアが存在していることを、覚えておいて下さいね。


親や子どもの見守りシステムから、自分のための見守りシステムへのシフト ―― これが、歳をとる、ということなのだなぁ、としみじみと実感しています。

I realize with sincerity that growing old means shifting from a system of looking out for parents and children to a system of looking out for oneself.
