I think that many of the crimes committed between 1960 and 1980 were easy to understand in terms of the categories of “poverty,” “ideology,” and “crime syndicate (anti-social group).”
Even at the time, the public (the media) was repeating the claim that they 'couldn't understand,' but I think they could still be thrown into the category of 'those who do things that can't be understood.'
While we can understand the concept of “poverty,” the ideas of “revolutionary fantasy” (for the sake of the happiness of the whole, it is acceptable to trample on the misfortune of a few) and “yakuza” (resolving society's contradictions through illegal acts of violence) are low-level and ridiculous justifications for criminal acts. The people seriously claimed “justice” and “chivalry” for their crimes.
Many people still do this kind of “low-level, stupid self-justification.”
However, this logic does not work for me at all.
My parents were poor and had no education, but they worked hard and raised me as a proper member of society without making any of the above excuses.
Even in an unfavorable environment, without resorting to ridiculous self-justification, violence, or illegal acts, they may have suffered many losses, but this is a perfect example (use case) of how it is “possible” to live an upright life as a human being.
Therefore, I can reject the self-righteousness of extremists, cults, and anti-social groups and condemn any violence or illegal acts.
誠実であることで、得をすることは少ないと思いますが、敬意を得ることはできます ―― まあ、「敬意だけで飯が喰えるか」、と言われると、そうでもないこともあるのですが。
Being sincere doesn't bring you many benefits but earns you respect. When you say, “Can you eat with just respect?” it's not always the case.
Leaving that aside.
The profile of the perpetrators of recent robberies and murder cases has become very difficult to understand. People who do not fall into the abovementioned categories are becoming involved in crimes.
(1) New and disparate values that are removed from the social context (the above “poverty,” “ideology,” and “yakuza”)
(2) The emergence of groups that share values through social networking services
So far, I've talked about a lot of things.
However, I need to add one more thing here.
(3) Understanding of mental health
I think that in many cases, recent crimes have a mental health issue as their background.
It is difficult to say that society as a whole is becoming more understanding of mental health, and I think that there are more and more cases where criminals express their inner struggles through crime.
These motives are difficult to understand because they do not have a straightforward story or purpose, unlike traditional “ideology” or “yakuza.”
ストーリーや目的が理解不能であり、当然カテゴリー化もできない ―― そんな犯罪者に対して、防衛や予防措置を取ることは、不可能です。
It is impossible to take defensive or preventative measures against criminals whose stories and objectives are incomprehensible and cannot be categorized.
大地震に対する防災対策の方が、ずっと簡単です ―― 発生する場所や時間を数値で明らかにできて、そしてその原因も明らかだからです(ただ、大地震は「止めること」ができないですが)。
Disaster prevention measures for major earthquakes are much easier - we can pinpoint the location and time of occurrence and know the cause (although we can't “stop” major earthquakes).
The difficulty with “mental problems” is that they cannot be understood by anyone other than the person themselves, and they cannot be “visualized.”
In response to this issue, the anime Psycho-Pass has introduced the absurd concept of “latent criminals.”
This approach “visualizes” crimes that have not yet occurred.
江端:「というように、『みんなが幸せになること』に潜む矛盾の中でも、特に分かりやすい事例を、一通り網羅的に教えてくれる、大変お得なアニメが『PSYCHO-PASS サイコパス』だ」
I think my university research is also similar to this.
Although the subjects are entirely different, it attempts to “visualize the ‘heart’ that cannot be seen” by “giving it strength.”
もし私の研究が、シビュラシステムの基本原理として採用されるのであれば ―― それはそれで嬉しいと思います。
If my research is adopted as the basic principle of the Sybilla System, I would be delighted.
The fantasy of my notoriety resounding through the ages is a ray of light for me, who has resigned myself to dying in obscurity.