
落ち着く先は、"感情"  ―― つまり、「嫌だなぁ」だけでした。


I have written about the process of court judgments before.

―― 「遠山の金さん "冤罪"捕物帳」


As I have said before, many claims that “we (people) think logically” merely attempt to justify personal feelings that start from personal emotions.



I tried to think about what kind of logic could be used to stop this if my wife and I were out visiting a nearby shrine for the first shrine visit of the year, and she suddenly said, “My daughters have started working in the sex industry.”


My wife and I sometimes have conversations like this (I'm the one who usually starts the topic).


We were able to come up with harmful elements such as “sexually transmitted diseases,” “rumors,” “public opinion,” “exploitation,” and “forced labor against one's will.” Still, we were unable to come up with a logical argument that “the business of selling sex is wrong.”

落ち着く先は、"感情"  ―― つまり、「嫌だなぁ」だけでした。

The only thing that settled was my “emotions” - in other words, I just thought, “I don't like it.”



So, I ended up asking ChatGPT about this.



The result is that the answer is “I couldn't make a logical argument.”


As mentioned above, there are countries where the “sex industry” is legal.


These countries are not countries where the rule of law is not in place due to civil war or poverty, but rather, they are all countries with a democratic legal system, and it is not the case that the “sex trade” is being criticized by other countries.


本件に関しては、娘たちに『ウルセー!四の五の言うな!そんな仕事はとっとと止めろ!』と怒鳴りつけるのも"あり"かとは思うのですが ――

In this case, I think it would be okay to yell at your daughters, “Stop complaining! Quit that job right away!”.


However, in the Ebata family, with the patriarch (me) promoting the idea of thinking about things logically, there is a high possibility that such power harassment-type orders will not be effective.


This is a classic example of being caught in one's trap.


Fortunately, I am in a situation where I don't have to think seriously about such situations, and I think that is a blessing.
