
もし、日本に、世界一厳しいといわれる銃規制の法律がなかったとしたら ―― 米国の学校銃乱射事件と同じように、何人もの死傷者が発生していたということだ、と。

「権力側が銃を持つのであれば、市民側も銃を持つ」というのは、アメリカ合衆国憲法修正第2条(Second Amendment)に明記されています。

The Second Amendment to the United States Constitution clearly states that “if the government has guns, then the people should have guns too.”


A well-regulated militia is necessary for a free state's security, and the people's right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed upon.



# この引用が妥当かかどうかは、私も「?」とは思うところがありますが、このまま進めます。

# I'm unsure whether this quote is appropriate, but I'll go on.



Japan's gun control policy is based on the idea that “we do not accept the use of force to seize power from citizens,” and it seems to be a regulation that is highly advantageous to the side in power.


However, in Japan, if a police officer points a gun at someone, it becomes a case, and if they fire, it becomes a significant incident.

また、私が知る限りにおいて、自衛隊が"市民"に向けて武力行使をした、ということもありません("市民"の定義がちょっとキモなんですけど ―― 興味のある人は調べて下さい)。

Also, to the best of my knowledge, the Self-Defense Forces have never used force against “civilians” (the definition of “civilian” is a bit weird - if you're interested, please look it up).



Yesterday, during a lecture on the campus of a university near my house, one of the students swung a hammer and injured eight other students.


This was a significant incident, but at the time, I suddenly thought to myself:

もし、日本に、世界一厳しいといわれる銃規制の法律がなかったとしたら ―― 米国の学校銃乱射事件と同じように、何人もの死傷者が発生していたということだ、と。

If Japan did not have the world's strictest gun control laws, then, just like the school shootings in the United States, there would have been many casualties.


As I thought about this, I started to feel cold.



Whatever the logic or justification for gun ownership, I prefer a society where people are not killed so easily.

―― 「SNSでの誹謗中傷はやめよう」とは言う人はいても、「SNSを使うのをやめよう」と言う人はいない



Incidentally, it seems that the suspect in this case is a student of Korean nationality, but let's not make blanket generalizations about people from a particular country because of this incident.


If you do that, they'll bring up the “particularly terrible guys” from among the Japanese people's past incidents.

