


Recently, I've finally started to feel the benefits of My Number Card.


In my case, I've been using it many times over the last five years to file my tax return and collect documents at convenience stores, so it's gone pretty smoothly, but there are probably many people who don't.

私も、そうでない人の1人でした ―― これまで何度、発狂しそうになったことか。

I was one of those who didn't -- how many times have I almost gone mad?


Also, I don't think many people have a card reader connected to their PC at home for their My Number Card.



If I think about "go to the government office, write tedious documents, stand in a line, and wait for a long time," the paperwork using a computer card reader is really a paradise.


However, it is also true that in order to reach paradise, you have to go through several years of dungeon battles with demons.


Ultimately, there is a trade-off between the benefits of the My Number Card (issuing electronic signatures, remote application) and the application through analog procedures.


I can't categorically say which one is better.
