
東京オリンピックのテーマソングが聞こえてこない ――

東京オリンピックのテーマソングが聞こえてこない ――

I can't hear the theme song for the Tokyo Olympics--


Even for the Olympics held overseas, the theme songs were played at the top of the sports section of NHK news, annoyingly.


This time, I can't hear this.


Also, there is no news about the local towns that host foreign athletes.


There is no news about the entry of the first group of foreign athletes into Japan (although, of course, I'm sure they will need to go through special entry procedures at the immigration office this time).

そもそも、聖火リレーの様子が、毎日ニュースで流れてこない ―― こんなことって、あるだろうか?

In the first place, the torch relay is not shown on the news every day -- How can this be?



Of course, I can explain.


It is possible that the government is not actively disclosing this information and the media is refraining from doing so because they do not want to create a situation where people will be attracted by the torch relay.


Even If they are "controlling public opinion to keep the torch relay from gaining momentum," this is a form of information control that would surprise even Goebbels.


Nevertheless, if the decision to cancel the Tokyo Olympics has been made in secret, it would be a major problem in terms of international credibility if the talks have not already started through diplomatic channels.



I am one of those people who have no vested interest in the Tokyo Olympics, so I can remain relatively calm, but the Tokyo Olympics is also a huge social experiment field in which companies and universities are all participating.

なのに ―― 私の耳には、何も入ってこない。

However -- nothing is coming into my ears.

また、江端向けの箝口令が敷かれているのだろうか ―― 多分、そうなのだろう。

Also, is there a gag order on Ebata -- maybe so.


I'm "tight-lipped" but "light on sentences".
