
―― 新型コロナウイルスが猛威を奮っている最中、飲酒を共なう営業を続ける店と、飲酒を共なう営業を続ける店に行く客、どっちが悪い?


I'm not sure if the term "aided dating" still exists, but in essence it means "prostitution".

売春は ―― これ、実は法律の内容が、ちょっと私たちの思っているものと違ったりするのですが ―― 基本的には違法行為ですが、それ以前に、現在においては「インモラル」である、とされています。

Many of us don't really understand what the laws are regarding prostitution, but that's beside the point. Prostitution is basically illegal, but before that, it is considered to be "immoral" nowadays.

売春が、合法で、かつ、インモラルでなかった時代があります ―― というか、人類史においては、その時代の方が圧倒的に長いですが ―― それはさておき。

But there was a time when prostitution was legal and not immoral. To tell you the truth, in the history of mankind, the era is longer.

―― 売春は、売る人間と、買う人間、どちらが悪い?

"In prostitution, which is worse, the person selling or the person buying?"


This theme will always be talked about, but this is decidedly a "buyer" without argument.


This is because supply cannot exist without demand.


There is no market where there are no buyers.



Now, under the third emergency declaration of the new coronavirus infection, various stores have been forced to shut down their operations.

これは、国家や行政の強権発動 ―― とも言えます。

This can be said to be a forceful act of the state or government.


However, if we refrained from going out, there would be no need for such coercive measures.


On the contrary, stores could even use "absolute infection control" as a selling point to aggressively market their operation.

―― 新型コロナウイルスが猛威を奮っている最中、飲酒を共なう営業を続ける店と、飲酒を共なう営業を続ける店に行く客、どっちが悪い?

While the new coronavirus is raging, which is worse, a restaurant that continues to serve alcohol , or a customer who goes to a restaurant that continues to serve alcohol?


This is also not debatable.


It's 100% the customer's fault.



I believe that all stores may be allowed to stay open, and all customers may be allowed to go to these stores without restriction,


with the following one conditions, only.


(1) Always act alone.


That's all.


However, humans are social animals.


We are animals whose survival is guaranteed by being in a herd, which is built into their DNA.


Viruses use this human instinct to herd as a survival strategy.



Now, we are being threatened that


"if we don't refrain from going out, many of us will die without access to medical care"

という脅し ―― 現在の状況は、もはや「脅し」ではなく「現実」ですが ―― に対して、

The current situation is no longer a "threat", but a "reality".


However, we come to take a "So What" attitude.



I believe that by our actions (including myself, of course) for over one years,


"compassion," "mutual aid," and "bonds" are,


if not illusions,


but, can only be activated under limited conditions.


I was able to get the proof of that.



So, from now on, even if a "righteous bastard" appears in front of me, wielding "compassion" and "bonds" and the like, I think that


"I will break it down with this one story"

