
多分、彼等は、出没すると思います ―― 浅草や、銀座や、新宿や、渋谷、そして秋葉原に。


When you participate in an international conference, there will be an "optional tour" or sightseeing tour during the conference.


Well, international conferences are usually held in famous tourist spots, so it's a kind of "reward" for the presenters who have been busy to death preparing their presentations before the conference.


I'm not sure if such "optional tours" exist in the Olympics or Paralympics, but normally the athletes could have enjoyed sightseeing in the host city.

もちろん今回は、日本国政府は、来日するアスリートやプレスに、国内を自由に濶歩させるようなことは、許すはずがありませんが ――

Of course, this time, the Japanese government will not allow athletes and the press to freely walk around the country, but...


In my opinion, an "athlete" or "press" is essentially a challenger.

多分、彼等は、出没すると思います ―― 浅草や、銀座や、新宿や、渋谷、そして秋葉原に。

Maybe they'll show up in Asakusa, Ginza, Shinjuku, Shibuya, and Akihabara.


If they can end up with "zero" in spite of tens of thousands of visitors to Japan, I believe that will be the "great achievement of the OLYMPALA".



Maybe it will never be zero.


Every day, the escapades of "athletes" and "press" is going to make the pages of newspapers and weekly magazines.


(1) Is the "athlete" or the "press" to blame for breaking the rules?


(2) Are the governance controls of the Olympic host committee to blame?


will be problems.

日本国政府が、違反した選手団を強制国外退去させる → その国との関係悪化 → 国交断絶 てなことになったら、嫌だなぁ、と危惧しています。

I'm afraid that the Japanese government will force the offending team to leave the country -> will worsen relations with that country -> will break off diplomatic relations.



Well, my predictions have been off, so I'm not too worried.


I once predicted that the US presidential election process would plunge the country into civil war. And I had made a wild prediction that the United States would plunge into civil war during the presidential election process, and that the leading states would declare independence.


But, well, I guess some of the predictions came true when 'there was an attack on the US Capitol by sympathizers of the defeated president.
