
どなかた、現在「マークスの山」を見れるサイトをご存知でしたら、教えて下さい ―― 本を読むのを止めてご連絡を待っています。


I have already written many times about how much I like Kaoru Takamura's books, in the stories "God's Fire" and "Shoot the Riviera".


I've read a lot of other books, but lately I've been rereading a lot of them, and I'd like to add some more famous ones.

という訳で「マークスの山」に手を出したのですが ―― ぶっちゃけ『しんどい』です。

That's why I started "Marks Mountain" -- it's "tough" to be honest.



OK,OK, I know what you mean, however, Kaoru Takamura's books as a set of upper and lower volumes are very difficult to read through the upper volume.

これを越えないと ―― というか、これを越えるからこそ、「一生モノの本」になるというか。

If I don't go beyond this -- or rather, if I go beyond this, it will be a "book for my life.


Well, it's like an ordeal.


But hey, it's already, honestly, it's hard.


So, I'm pretty much in a give up mode.


で、「マークスの山」のドラマとか調べていたのですが、Amazon Primeでは、現在視聴制限がかかっているみたいのですよ。

So I was looking into the "Mountain for Marks" drama , but it seems that Amazon Prime is currently restricting access to it.

その流れで、なんとなく「レディジョーカー(主演 上川隆也さん)」の方を視聴してしまったのですが、

In that vein, I somehow ended up watching "Lady Joker" (starring Takaya Kamikawa).

―― 全7話を、1日で見終わってしまうほど、面白かった

"It was so much fun that I finished watching all seven episodes in one day!"


Shigeru Izumiya, Kosuke Toyohara, and Kyohei Shibata were all great.



Lately, my way of reading books has become so focused on acquiring information that I don't seem to be able to 'enjoy reading' anymore.

我が国では、「本を読むということ」 = 「価値のあること」という文化が根づいています。

In our country, there is a deep-rooted culture that "reading a book" means "having value".

私も、読書は良いことだと思ってはいるのですが ―― 問答無用に「良い」とすることは、ある種の「思考停止」だと思んですよね。

I also believe that reading is a good thing -- but to assume that it is "good" without question is a kind of "thought stopping".

吉川英二さんの「三国志」でなくても、私だったら、ドラマ"The Three Kingdoms"の視聴をお勧めしますし、

Lately, my way of reading books has become so focused on acquiring information that I don't seem to be able to 'enjoy reading' anymore.


Instead of reading a book with a horrifying title like "The Slaughterhouse Organ", I recommend watching the anime "The Slaughterhouse Organ".


Well, that's beside the point.


ドラマ「マークスの山(主演 上川隆也さん)」の方を、見たくて、見たくて、仕方ありません。

I can't wait to see the drama "Mountain for Marks (starring Takaya Kamikawa)".

Amazon Prime と、NetFlexの方は、ダメなようです。

Amazon Prime and NetFlex seem to be a no-go.

どなかた、現在「マークスの山」を見れるサイトをご存知でしたら、教えて下さい ―― 本を読むのを止めてご連絡を待っています。

If you know of a site where I can currently see "Mountains for Marks", please let me know -- I'll stop reading the book and wait to hear from you.



By the way, now that "Bees in the Sky" has been made into a movie, I would like to see "God's Fire" made into a movie as well.


But... the reality of the Fukushima nuclear accident is beyond the content of "God's Fire", so it might be difficult to make a movie about it.
