
長女が、Amazon Primeでも「映画クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶアッパレ!戦国大合戦」が見れない、と言っていました。

長女が、Amazon Primeでも「映画クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶアッパレ!戦国大合戦」が見れない、と言っていました。

My senior daughter told me that she couldn't watch "The movie Crayon Shin-chan The Great Battle in Warring States period" is not available on Amazon Prime.


Maybe she want to have a screening at a friend's house, I think.

でも、まあ、その、なんというか ―― なんとかしました(詳細は省略)。

But, well, what can I say -- I did something about it (details omitted).


「映画クレヨンしんちゃん 嵐を呼ぶ モーレツ!オトナ帝国の逆襲」と併わせて、この2作は日本映画(×日本アニメ映画)の最高峰です。

Together with "Crayon Shin-chan The Adult Empire Strikes Back in heavy storm", these two movies are the best of Japanese movies (not "Japanese animation movies").


As a father, I am willing to help her for her activity.


この『2作』について知っている人は、当然に知っていますし、知らない人は、当然に知らないわけで ―― それは、仕方がないことですが ――

People who know about these two works naturally know about them, and people who don't know about them naturally don't know about them -- it cannot be helped, however,


I think it's better to watch them without prejudice.


I won't let you regret it.
