
コロナウイルスも、テロリストも、そして、蜂も ―― 時間を与えず一つたりとも残さずに一気に殲滅する。


During a recent visit to my parents' house, I weeded the garden for the first time in a year.


A year ago, we installed weed control sheets over the entire garden, but grass was growing in the gaps between the sheets or even through them.


The grass that grew in this environment was like the thickness of a tree. In fact, there was such awesome grass that we had to use a chainsaw to cut it.


I had been wielding a chainsaw since the evening of the day I returned home, when suddenly, from behind me, I heard an eerie sound and fled at once.

―― 蜂、アシナガバチ

"bees, polistes wasp"


I had heard that my sister had already repelled two nests using this spray before I returned home this time, so I was not expecting their appearance.


I looked carefully and found a palm-sized beehive under the eaves.

これは危険だ、と思ったので、その日は、軒下に蚊取り線香を2つ突っ込んで、撤収しました ―― そして、これが大失敗でした。

I thought this was dangerous, so that day I put two mosquito coils under the eaves and left -- and this was a big mistake.



Early in the morning of the next day, I was convinced that I had been "annihilated" by the 20-second continuous spray of the above-mentioned spray gun, then slept a wink and started work at 10:00 in the morning.


And as I started to work, there were more than 10 bees in the garden, staying in the air and ready to attack me.


This was my fault, as the mosquito coils of the previous day had left the main bees in a waiting state outside the hive.

で、どうしたかというと ―― 左手で草取りの作業をしながら、右手でスプレーガンを保持して、襲ってくる蜂を、空中で迎撃するという、「対蜂決戦型の草取り」という、経験したこともないバトルモードの草取りを行いました。

So, what I did was -- while weeding with my left hand, I held the spray gun with my right hand and intercepted the attacking bees in the air, a battle mode of weeding that I had never experienced before, "bee fighting weeding".


The work efficiency was not good at all.



It reminded me of the incident where the U.S. troops stationed in Afghanistan accidentally turned a friend's car into a beehive with their machine gun.


And later, while packing the grass into a garbage bag, I found another beehive.


This time, I didn't make the same mistake.


I sprayed the spray gun at once and made sure there was no sign of a counterattack. After that, I threw some lit newspaper under the hive and sprayed it again with the spray gun. With this improvised flamethrower, I reduced the bees and the hive to ashes in an instant (*).


(*) Amateurs, please do not try this. I am an expert in "playing with fire," having repeatedly burned and blown up things with various chemicals since I was in elementary school.


After this attack, there were no more bees in the garden.


コロナウイルスも、テロリストも、そして、蜂も ―― 時間を与えず一つたりとも残さずに一気に殲滅する。

The coronavirus, the terrorists, and the bees -- all to be eradicated in an instant.


The importance of this was reconfirmed during this garden maintenance.
