


The other day, the president of a company to which I had been personally loaned a control device for a long period of time (more than three years) mailed me. The subject was,


"Could you please return the devices?"



I was a little surprised, since I have often offered to return them when inquiring about part numbers.


Later that day, I dismantled part of the Ebata family's system and returned all the devices I had borrowed.


Well, I'm not too worried as I still have a few devices left that I picked up at the junk shop.


世界的な半導体不足の影響で、色々な製品の製造遅延が発生していることは知っていたのですが、私のような個人にまでお願いがくるとは ――

I are aware that the global shortage of semiconductors has caused delays in the production of various products. However, in light of the fact that even an individual like me is being asked to do this.


I realized that they were really in a critical situation.


『そういえば、私が連載の寄稿をさせて頂いているEE Times Japanは、まさしく半導体業界の情報サイトだったなぁ』と思い出しました。

I was reminded that EE Times Japan, to which I am a regular contributor, is really an information site for the semiconductor industry.

こんな日記をリリースしたら、担当のMさんに殴られないまでも、イヤミの一つくらいは言われるかもしれない、とも思いましたが ――

I thought that if I released such a diary, Ms. M, who is in charge of my columns, might at least give me a hard time, if not beat me up.


But I thought, 'If I get scolded, I can write the next diary,' so I'm releasing this.
