


When I read the free version of the manga "Blue Period," I thought to myself, 'I haven't read anything that good in a long time.

高校で美術部部長をしていた次女に、『「ブルーピリオド」って知っているか』と尋ねたら、『フッ』という顔をされました ――

When I asked my daughter, who was the head of the art club in high school, "Do you know "Blue period?", she gave me a disappointed look.


She had a look on her face that said, "Who are you asking?"


We are not supposed to pre-record anime in our house, but I did pre-order "Blue Period".


After watching the first episode, my whole family (including my wife) unanimously decided to continue watching.



I am also manufacturing (x-creating) my own illustrations, using computers and "engineering methods".

ですので、自分の頭の中のイメージを、2次元空間に展開する難しさは ―― まあ、絵画で生きている人の1/100~1/1000くらいは、共感できると信じています。

So I believe I can relate to the difficulty of developing the image in my mind into a two-dimensional space -- well, at least 1/100 to 1/1000 of those who live by painting.



When I finish an illustration, I send it to my family on LINE, they said,


"Your skills have improved"


However, they have never said to me,


"You're getting better at drawing.

