


(Continuation from yesterday)


That's beside the point.



If they are to follow this kind of terrorist destruction strategy.


People who really believe in the existence of a distorted notion of a "winning side" (which cannot be defined or quantified), and,


Even teenagers who are struggling academically...


The police will have to crack down on and monitor them as well.


It is the embodiment of the world of the anime "PSYCHO-PASS.


And in that world...

―― 私(江端)は、24時間いつでも、犯罪係数"300"越え

"I, Ebata, have a crime coefficient of over 300, 24 hours, 7 days a week"


I guess it is.



I thought about it again, and found one of my past experiences that can approach the psychology of terrorists in Odakyu, Keio, and the University of Tokyo entrance examination hall.


"A near-death experience in New Delhi, India"


I crawled my way to the New Delhi International Airport. And as I gazed out the window of my flight to Kathmandu, Nepal, at the scenery below, I thought.


"I want to sterilize this entire city with the heat of a nuclear explosion.


I remember being shaken by the fact that I had thought about it even for a moment.


小田急、京王、東大入試会場で、殺傷事件を起こした奴等は、私があの街に抱いた憎悪と同じ憎悪を抱えていたのだろうか ―― と考えています。

I wonder if the guys who killed and injured people in Odakyu, Keio, and the University of Tokyo entrance exams had the same hatred that I had for that city.

私には、『あの街に殺されかけた』という、言語化できる「憎悪」がありました ―― もちろん、それは、理不尽で、不合理で、差別主義的で、レイシストの謗り(そしり)を受けるほど、滅茶苦茶な理屈である、と自覚しています。

I had a verbal "hatred" that said, "That city almost killed me. Of course, I am aware that this is an unreasonable, irrational, racist, and racist theory that is so outrageous that I have been accused of being a racist.


However, when I have to talk about them, 'Did they have the same level of anger, hatred, and vengeance as I did?' is going to be my standard for their condemnation.


Well, but they should be "condemned" for sure.


Because they carried out a terrorist act, but I refrained from launching a nuclear missile.
