
―― 一所懸命で、真剣で、全力疾走だったけど、1mmだって1秒だって「辛い」とか「嫌だ」とは思わなかった


My father died before the outbreak of the Corona disaster.

母はコロナ禍が収束の兆しを見せて、ようやく面会が可能になってきた ―― 今となっては、猛威を奮っているオミクロン株でそれどころではありませんが ―― という時に死去しました。

My mother died just as the outbreak was coming under control and she was finally able to visit --- Now, under the raging Omicron stock, it is not reality.


I just happened to find this note a few minutes ago.


As I was looking at it, I noticed that this kind of slap in the face of corona disaster about my mother had suddenly disappeared.



I did not feel any emotion or sentiment during or after my mother's funeral.


I was even thinking, "Maybe I'm broken somehow".


In fact, that's what I've been told by many people in my life.


But as I was reading these notes, I felt that I could finally talk to the deceased without feeling 'sad' or 'nostalgic'.


―― 一所懸命で、真剣で、全力疾走だったけど、1mmだって1秒だって「辛い」とか「嫌だ」とは思わなかった

"It was hard work, seriousness, and running as fast as I could, but I didn't think for one millimeter or one second that it was hard or that I didn't like it."

―― あの日々は、悪くなかった

"They days were not bad at all"


I was able to mutter to my mother.
