

私は、前回の大統領選挙の時に『カリフォルニアとテキサスが独立するかも』てなことを書いて、予定通り、予測を外しましたが ――

I wrote something like "California and Texas may become independent" during the last presidential election, and as planned, I missed my prediction.

―― 有無を言わせないほどの圧倒的多数で、勝敗が決して欲しい

しかし、『議事堂襲撃を扇動する大統領』の登場で、方向性は、かなり当っていたと自負しております ―― もっとも私の予想の斜め上をいくものでしたが。

However, with the appearance of the "President instigating the attack on the Capitol", I am proud to say that the direction was quite correct -- although it was more diagonal than I had expected.

それでも、私の「エンジニアリングアプローチ」の視点から見れば ―― 私は、自分がとても「不公平な人間である」と感じてしまうのです。


This time, while watching the NHK news, I whispered to my wife,


I wonder if we can take advantage of Russia's invasion of Ukraine to retake the Northern Territories."



Google Mapのおかげで、最近は、世界地図も見やすくなりました。

Thanks to Google Maps, the world map has become easier to read these days.


I was looking at a map while reading an article about Russia's annexation of the Crimean Peninsula in 2014, and I thought to myself, "I see".


The Crimean peninsula is located north of the center of the Black Sea, and by controlling this peninsula, not only Ukraine, but also Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey, and Georgia, which face the Black Sea, can be stared down (in fact, it seems to be working).


In addition, Russia seems to have seized Ukraine's military equipment in the Crimea Peninsula.


On the other hand, if Ukraine joins NATO, Russia will have no buffer area. Moreover, the distance between Kiev and Moscow is also quite close (750km).


For Ukraine, it would be unbearable if it were to become a second annexation of the Crimean Peninsula, so it is understandable that it would want to join NATO and have NATO act as a deterrent.

まあ、『主権国家の軍事同盟に、他の国がとやかく言えるのか?』という正論はいくらでも言えますが ―― そういうものを踏み躙りまくってきたのが、戦争の歴史です。

Well, you can make a good argument that "how can other countries have any say in the military alliances of sovereign nations? But the history of war has been a history of overriding such things.



Back to the story.

私は、「北方領土奪還計画」を論じられるような資質も能力もないし、ちゃんと勉強もしていないので、語るべきではないと思いますが ――

I don't think I should talk about the "Northern Territories Recapture Plan" because I don't have the qualifications or ability to discuss it, and I haven't studied it properly -- however,


I can't recall any case where a war initiated by Japan has been successfully closed.
