
『いつか、あなたを助けるから、今はちょっと勘弁ね』と呟きながら ――

連休中ですが、普段より働いている気がします ―― 疲労を感じます。

I'm on holiday, but I feel like I'm working more than usual -- I feel tired.


Based on my policy of "making every effort to 'cut corners'" , I am struggling with following issues.



Come to think of it, the book I made myself before really helped me out.


'Thank you, past me!' And I thank myself for crossing time and space.


私、最近、teratail(https://teratail.com/)という技術系の質問掲示板を使わせて頂いておりまして ―― 質問ばかりしています。

I have recently been using a technical question board called teratail (https://teratail.com/) -- I ask a lot of questions.


I am too sorry to do this, but even I would like to answer what I can.


That's the 'trade-off'...No, I don't mean that. Let's see, it's called 'mutual aid coexistence', yes, yes.


However, anything I might be able to answer is either "answered" or "resolved", leaving no room for me to speak.


『いつか、あなたを助けるから、今はちょっと勘弁ね』と呟きながら ――

With muttering, 'Someday, I'll help you, just not right now,'


Today, I am sitting in front of my computer with giving my headache, and trying the construction and use of the GIS database for Utsunomiya City.
