As I continued yesterday,
メタバースについては、現時点では、私は分からないのですが ・・・まさか、『チャット』がくるとはなぁ、しかも、こんな形の、こんなタイミングで。
As for the Metaverse, at this point, I don't know... I didn't expect a "chat" to come, and in such a form and at such a time.
I am currently part of two organizations, both of which contact me via Microsoft Teams chat.
So, I have two computers up and running, waiting for both sides, always on standby.
I hate social networking service that abuse anonymity, and I have stopped both Facebook and Twitter expect for LINE for my family. I didn't expect to get involved in "business" and "academics"
I know the following with using this chat system,
- ガバナンスの効いた組織内(匿名性一切なし)でのチャットは、とても便利
- Chat within a well-governed organization (no anonymity at all) is very useful
- 会議と並行して、別の小会議も進められるので、マルチタスクワークに最適
- Ideal for multitasking, as you can have another small meeting going on in parallel with the meeting
- 資料の配布もリアルタイムでシェアできるので、会議を集中して進行可
- Materials can be distributed and shared in real time, allowing meetings to proceed in a focused manner.
- Cost-effectiveness of "Good" button for "Good" response
コロナ禍 -> リモートワーク -> リモート会議 -> Teams等のチャットツールの隆盛(と同時に、メールの衰退)という流れで、こうなりました。
The Corona disaster -> remote work -> remote meetings -> the rise of chat tools such as Teams (and the decline of email at the same time) has led to this.
Even if remote work becomes less common in the future and we return to F2F meetings, chat tools will continue to be used.
チャットツールなど、1990年の段階で、すでに存在していました(例えば"IP Messanger"など)が、それは「おもちゃ」の域を出ませんでした。
Chat tools already existed as early as 1990 (e.g., "IP Messanger"), but they were little more than "toys".
After all these different paths, now, here we are, looking at a chat tool that has been perfected as a business tool.
"No wonder my future predictions are off"
I become defiant with saying that.