

今週末は、終日コーディングをしていました ―― 仕事が山ほどたまっていまして。

This weekend, I was coding all day long -- because I had a lot of work.


So, just a few minutes ago, I finally completed a program to create 100 tourists and 100 local agents in a city in Japan.


Of course, I knew that I could "make it," but when it came to actually making it, I had to remember a lot of things, and it took longer than expected.



So, relieved, I went down to the living room and found my wife watching a TV program she had recorded.

私は、その番組を20秒ほど見て、書斎に直帰しました ―― せっかくテレビを見ている嫁さんに、いらんことを言いそうになったからです。

I watched the program for about 20 seconds and went straight back to the study -- because I was about to say something unwanted to my wife who was watching TV.


The drama seems to be based on a "game production site," but the setting of the program development site was too "improbable".


- The program development site (x system operation site) that allows cyber-attacks to go unchecked can only be thought of as a "bunch of idiots," and


- It's common sense to double or triple backups, and to keep them in the cloud, and


- I've never heard such a startling interpretation of a program as a "data blueprint"!


However, it is not mature to poke a lot of questions about them.

―― 考証が甘いとか、そういう話じゃないんだ。これは、ドラマの視聴者に分かりやすくする為に、敢えて、こういうベタな設定をしているんだ

"I'm not talking about the lack of archaeological evidence or anything like that. This is just a goofy setup that I'm daring to use in order to make it easier for drama viewers to understand"


I believe that this is a good idea.


However, this also indicates, conversely, that this is the level of "knowledge of program development" among the general public.



Frankly, I was horrified.

私は、コラムで偉そうに、内政や外交や軍事について、論じていますが ―― 基本的に、私は素人です。

I discuss domestic politics, foreign policy, and military affairs in my columns in a pompous manner -- basically, I'm an amateur.


There is no way I can compete with the knowledge and expertise of bureaucrats, politicians, and civil servants (Self Defense Force members and firefighters) who are involved in domestic, diplomatic, and military affairs in real time.

でも、私のコラムに対して『ド素人! 引っ込んでいろ!!』というようなコメントを、私は一度も受けたことはありません。

But in response to my column, I have never received such a comment, like "Amateur!" or "Stay out of it!"



Actually, I might have discussed domestic policy, foreign policy, and military things, despite having only this TV drama level of knowledge.


And from the people at the front field,

―― まあ、しょせん、素人の言うことだからね

"Well, after all, he(Ebata) is just an amateur isn't he?"

という、生暖かい目で見逃されて続けていたのかもしれない ―― そう考えると、心底、怖くなってきたのです。

I was afraid that I might have continued to be overlooked by the warm-hearted eyes. When I thought about it, I became truly frightened.


"Your (Ebata's) opinion doesn't move the world even one millimeter"


Just the thought of someone saying that to me is so embarrassing that I want to roll around on the floor.
