
―― 研究者の居所って、"こう"じゃない


I continue to the yesterday's diary of

『NHKのドキュメンタリー 『エラー 失敗の法則 「人災 ハリケーン カトリーナ」』を見ました』

I watched the NHK documentary "Error: The Law of Failure - Man-made Disaster Hurricane Katrina".





What I found interesting about this program was the room of the five talk guests who participated remotely.

# ちなみに、『リモート参加されている方がパソコンに向かっている映像が映し出されている』ということは、

# Incidentally, I was thinking that the fact that "the images of the remote participants are being projected on a computer" means that

# その5人の方の部屋のそれぞれに、『最低1人、カメラを携えた番組スタッフが、録画の為にオフィスや研究室や御自宅に訪問している』ということだよなぁ、

# "at least one staff member with a camera is visiting the office, laboratory, or home of each of the five participants to record the program"

# てなことを考えていたのですが ―― まあ、それはさておき。

# -- well, let's leave that aside.



In the room for those five guest talkers,


(1) Surrounded by beautiful and stylish interior design.


(2) Only one laptop computer is being used.


(3) A large number of books are neatly categorized and displayed on the shelves.


I thought that "the above (1), (2), and (3) are, impossible and extraordinary".

―― 研究者の居所って、"こう"じゃない

These are not the researchers' places of residence.




For example, in my room,


(A) the bed couch is leaning against a bookcase,


(B) On the couch, a pile of nightgowns curled up like cow dung,


(c) Various documents are piled up in a mess on the desk.


(D) USB cables are coming out of the electrical outlets in a mess, and there are five or six devices or tablets connected to the end of the cables.


(e) Numerous notes are pasted on the wall in a messy manner.



This is the truth of the researcher's place and I am proud to be one of them.



But if I invite the film crew into my room now, I also think


"My enraged wife could kill me"

