
―― 自分の推しのプログラム言語のコラムをご希望の方。いつでもお仕事お引き受けします。


Recently, there have been articles that discuss the superiority of programming languages, but every time I see an article like this, I think

―― 本当にバカバカしい

"Really Ridiculous"



There was a German philosopher (I forget his name) who said, "If you want to discuss philosophy, you must speak German," and he was ridiculed around the world.


It is similar to that feeling.



If you are in a country, it is a civilized manner to speak in the language of that country.


A person who rejects a language because it is inefficient or difficult to use is a "barbarian". At the very least, he is not a civilized person.


Likewise, if you are in that company, organization, or team, it is good manners to use the programming language used there.


This is because the languages used there have a vast amount of assets (libraries, environment, etc.) that have been accumulated there.




Programming language is a kind of religion.


If you have a language you believe in, you should do proper missionary work.

改宗した場合のメリットを、ちゃんと定量的に評価して、客観的に示して、時々は社内工作もして ―― たまに「殉教」する覚悟も必要です。

You need to properly and objectively evaluate and show the benefits of conversion, quantitatively, and sometimes internal maneuvering -- and be prepared to be a "martyr" from time to time.

そうして、自分の都合の良い開発環境に持ち込むのが筋です ―― ラクをしてはなりません。

It makes sense to do so and bring it into a development environment that is convenient for you -- don't be easy.



When I read "articles discussing the superiority or inferiority of programming languages," I am dismayed at the shallowness of the author's perspective and insight.


New features called "advantages" of a programming language are accompanied by "disadvantages" of the same magnitude as the advantages.


I can say this with confidence, having tried more than 20 languages.


I would be able to respond to both 'disingenuous, with the disadvantages of this language' and 'write a column with the advantages of this language'.



But if I can make "money", I'm willing to go that way, too.

―― 自分の推しのプログラム言語のコラムをご希望の方。いつでもお仕事お引き受けします。

"If you would like a column in a programming language of your own guess. I am always happy to accept your requests"


I will also provide an appendix titled, "Defeating Programming Languages You Want to Disrespect".
