
という訳で ―― この平和な時代にあっても、「武装」という概念を持ち続けているシニアが存在していることを、覚えておいて下さいね。


Needless to say, 'criticizing cults' is really a matter of life and death.


Recently, a university professor who had been making radical statements was attacked by thugs on campus (the connection to the cult is unknown at this time).


I also personally know someone who was shot at with an air rifle (I think the assailant was either from the Unification Church or the Tannisho Study Group).


カルトはロジックで対抗できません ―― というか、ちゃんとしたロジックを持たないから、カルトなのです。

Cults cannot be countered with logic -- or rather, they are cults because they do not have proper logic.


It just can't be helped that 'cults can't explain their actions with logic.


It is only natural that something metaphysical, such as "love" or "God," should be incompatible with something physical science.


Religion is significant in that it continues to live on after being continually criticized by physical science.


It is not possible to "defend against criticism."


Hence, religions should behave like the followings.


"We have survived for more than 1,000 years with the support of the people, no matter what you say"


"You will be dead in less than 100 years and forgotten in a few days, so I don't give a damn about your opinion."

と、デンと構えていることに意義があります ―― まあ、1000年以上、生き延びることができたら、ですが。

Like the above, religions are important not to move against any criticism. Well, if they can survive for more than 1,000 years.


個人的な意見ですが ――

In my personal opinion--


If "cults continue to exist loosely in social life," then it seems disingenuous to attack them with logic.


Therefore, I basically do nothing about cults that do not come into my territory.


I will not start an argument (fight) with them.


However, I will buy "arguments (fights) that have been sold" and I do not intend to lose.


カルトの活動が問題となるのは、カルトが社会生活の中で、反社会的な活動 ―― 法外な献金の勧誘 ―― などを行うことです。

What makes cult activities problematic is that cults engage in antisocial activities -- soliciting exorbitant donations, etc. -- in social life.


And if they involve my relatives or friends in such a situation, I will be sure that 'they sell me(Ebata) a fight here'.

そうなったら ―― 形而上、形而下関係なく、全面戦争です。

If that happens -- regardless of whether it is metaphysical or physcal science , it will be all-out war.



At one point in my student life, when I was out, I carried a tool that could be used as a weapon.


After knowing about the recent attack on a university professor, I am thinking about rearming...or rather, reattaching.


I am thinking of a "crowbar," which is inexpensive, readily available, and highly effective.


Even if I were attacked, I would want to strike back at least one blow, at the same level.


という訳で ―― この平和な時代にあっても、「武装」という概念を持ち続けているシニアが存在していることを、覚えておいて下さいね。

So -- please remember that even in these peaceful times, there is a senior who continues to hold on to the concept of "armed".


Especially those cult members who are considering "planning an attack on Ebata".
