

心理学とか経済学では、人間をホモ・エコノミクス ―― 「経済的合理性」にのみ基づいて、かつ「個人主義的」に行動する人間 ―― と見なして、理論(数式やらロジック)を展開します。

In psychology and economics, theories (mathematical formulas and logic) are developed by considering human beings as homo economicus -- people who act only on the basis of "economic rationality" and in an "individualistic" manner.

ところが、OSS(Open Source Software)が登場してきた時、「伽藍とバザール」というエッセイで、この人間像が、少なくともソフトウェアエンジニアについては、『当てはまらないことがある』という論が提示されました。

However, when OSS (Open Source Software) came along, the essay "Kyan and Bazaar" presented the argument that this image of the human being, at least for software engineers, "may not be true.


To sum up this essay in a few words,

―― 利益が得られなくても、人間は行動する

"People will act even if no profit is gained"



―― エンジニアは、お金が得られなくても、自分が独自開発したソースコードを世界に公開する

"Engineers release their proprietary source code to the world even if they don't get paid for it"


as their behavior.



I also publish shoddy source code on my blog, however in my case, the reason is


"I wouldn't feel comfortable if I didn't give a little back with my programs in return for the software the world gave me for free."



I have "no" desire to actively contribute to the world. It is "nothing" at all.


To begin with, I don't feel that I am benefiting from the world.


However, I would like to give back to this world in a big way, because I have benefited greatly from the software world within that world.


That aside.


世界中の紛争や悲劇に関して、私たちは無力感を感じることが多い日々です ―― 特に、今年は、それを痛感させられる年でした。

Every day we often feel helpless regarding conflicts and tragedies around the world -- this year, in particular, has been a painful reminder of that.


I did not expect to be shown the "imperialist paradigm (of war and conflict based on imperialism)" that was popular around the first half of the last century (1930-50) in this century.

『帝国主義』などという、ダッサいパラダイム、もう、とっくの昔に放棄されたと思っていたのですが ―― まだまだ有効なんだなー、と、実感しています。

I thought the lame paradigm of "imperialism" had been abandoned long ago, but I realize that it is still valid.



I am sure there are ways to balance one's peace of mind by over-blaming one's own helplessness or offering exorbitant donations in response to such a situation.


However, in my case.

―― できることをやり、できないことは諦める

"Do what I can and give up what I can't"

―― できるようになったらやり出し、嫌になったら逃げ出す

"When I can do it, I start doing it, and when I don't like it, I run away"


I live my life thinking that this level of "lightness" is the key to not turning away from the tragedies of the world and continuing to face them.


Anyway, I am doing what I can to "save money" and "save energy" and "publish shoddy programs".
