

私が床屋に行くタイミングは ―― 「頭髪がうっとうしく感じた時」の一択です。

The only time I go to the barber is -- "when I feel my head of hair is annoying".


The phase of "caring about appearance" has long since ended.


My current hair style standard is 'short to the limit allowed for working people'.


The objective is to reduce headcount time and costs.



"Keep it as short as possible. Combed as much as possible"


I have been saying this for almost 10 years, but there are not many barbers who can give me the don't-short hair I want.


Especially female barbers often don't seem to match my need for a 'buzz off'.

これは、理髪に関する男女の価値観の相違 ―― ではなく、「理髪に1mmも価値を持たない人間」を相手にしなけばならない、女性理容師さんとのミスマッチと言うべきかもしれません。

This is not a difference in values between men and women regarding barbering, but rather a mismatch with female barbers who have to deal with "people who do not value barbering even a millimeter".


The correct answer is 'take care of yourself,' but unfortunately, hairdressing and illness are two of the most difficult things to self-implement.


That is why I have chosen to use "crew cut" for the past few years.


But even that "crew cut" has a number of parameters that I have to choose from.


For example, "fir," "kariage," "top," "side," "collar," etc., are nothing short of annoying.


今になって思えば ―― 『目の前にあることにすら、全く気がつななかった』 ―― と感じです。

Looking back on it now, I feel like, "I didn't even notice what was right in front of me".


There is, isn't there? The ultimate, best hair style with "zero" request parameters, and a win-win situation for both me and the barber.

―― 丸刈り

It is "buzz cut".



It was quick.


It was over in a matter of minutes.


The work took 4 minutes at the station barber shop.


The barber showed me a mirror and said, 'Is this okay?' but is it possible to recover a "buzz cut"?



So, today, for the first time in about 40 years, I have had a "buzz cut".

家族がギョっとしないように、理髪直後に家族SNSで写真を送っておいたのですが、嫁さんは、写真を見ていなかったようで ―― 言葉を失っていました。

I had sent a picture of it on the family social networking site right after the haircut so that the family wouldn't be giddy, but the wife didn't see the picture -- she was speechless.


Wife: "Do you like that?"


Ebata: "Well, I'm glad I won't have to go to the barber for almost six months now.


Wife: "You are not going to keep the 'buzz cut' . That's a relief."



Incidentally, as for "buzz cut", when I was in junior high school, I almost caused an incident (using my authority as president of the student council) that would have involved the entire school.

私の動向を察知した生徒会顧問の教諭に、直前に阻止されましたが ―― 今も、忸怩たる悔悟の思いです。

The advisor of the student council, who was aware of my movements, stopped me just before I left. Even now, I still feel ashamed and regretful.


I would like to discuss this later.
