
『△△教祖の、◯◯◯という本を読め! そうすれば、オマエにも分かる!!』

ネット上での議論 ―― あれは議論なのか?、と思うようなものも含めて ―― このようなセリフを吐く人がいます。

Discussion on the net - I sometimes wonder if that is a discussion? , I think - there are people who say such lines.

『△△教祖の、◯◯◯という本を読め! そうすれば、オマエにも分かる!!』

"Read book "AAA" by the guru John Smith, and you could understand what I want to say to you!"



At the stage when I find out this line, "the person's defeat" comes to decided definitely.



The purpose of "I win by argument" is "my own interest".

で、自分の利益を得る為には、その立証は自分が行わなければならない ―― これを、裁判では「挙証責任」または「立証責任」といいます。

In order for my own interest, I have to prove the logic by myself. This is called "burden of proof" as a law term.


In civil trials, plaintiffs, and in the criminal trial, prosecutors, will bear burden of proof.


『△△先生の、◯◯◯という本を読め! そうすればオマエにも分かる!!』―― では全くダメです。

"Read book "AAA" by the guru John Smith, and you could understand what I want to say to you!" is nonsense


- The person who insists on correctness of "the book "AAA" by the guru John Smith" should


- understand the contents of the book deeply. and


- break (or defend) the opponent's argument


The person has a "responsibility" of the above.


By the way, the method used for this proof of responsibility is "reason", and


"theory" is to assemble several "reasons",and to make it a well-ordered story .


Well, set it aside.


(To be continued)
