『他者への没頭はそれが支援であれ、妨害であれ、愛情であれ、憎悪であれ、つまるところ自分から逃げるための手段である』(エリック・ホッファー:アメリカの独学の社会哲学者 )

エーリッヒ・フロム(Erich Fromm)(『自由からの逃走』)、ストア派の哲学者エピクテトス、その他数多の哲学者が語っていることですが、私は、エリック・ホッファー(アメリカの独学の社会哲学者)の言葉が、一番しっくりきます。

Erich Fromm (Escape from Freedom), the Stoic philosopher Epictetus, and many other philosophers have said this. Still, I find the words of Eric Hoffer (an American self-taught social philosopher) to be the most fitting.


'Immersion in others, whether support, obstruction, love or hatred, is ultimately a means of escaping from oneself.


大リーグの日本人選手を称えるのは結構なことですし、マスコミの行動原理(視聴率が価値)からすれば、それをコンテンツとするのは当然ですが ―― 正直、私は、情報過多でうんざりしています。

It's OK to celebrate Japanese players in the Major Leagues, and from the perspective of the media's principles of action (ratings are valuable), it's only natural to make it the content of the story - but to be honest, I'm fed up with the information overload.

7時のNHKニュースのスポーツコーナーで、「その選手の練習風景"のみ"」をニュースとした時は、『さすがにそれは"ない"だろう』と思いました ―― 特にNHKは、一応「公共放送」を唄っているわけですし(政府の御用メディアの面もありますが)。

When the sports section of the 7 o'clock NHK news broadcast showed only footage of a specific athlete training, I thought, “Surely that's not right.” especially since NHK is a public broadcaster (although it also appears to be a government mouthpiece).


There are all kinds of sports activities going on in Japan. I was shocked when I saw that the 7 o'clock NHK news had been replaced with a news source that showed only “training scenes.”


NHKスペシャル「混迷の世紀 最終回 “超大国・分断” アメリカはどこへ」を見ていた時も、私は、上記のエリック・ホッファーの言葉が思い浮かんできました。

When I watched the NHK Special “The Confused Century, Final Episode: ‘Superpower Divided’—Where is America Heading?”, the words of Eric Hoffer above came to mind.


Watching the voters' meeting, it seems they are putting into practice the saying, “Immersion in others, whether it be support, obstruction, love or hatred, is ultimately a means of escaping from oneself.”


However, I am not a US citizen, and I don't understand the mindset of US citizens. Therefore, I don't think I know the feelings of such enthusiasm/obsession for the leader (the president).

ただ、日本国民の一人として、米国国民と決定的に違うところがあるとすれば ――

However, if there is one thing that distinguishes Japanese citizens from American citizens, it is that ――


'I don't have high expectations for the leader (prime minister).'


I think that this is the best way to sum it up.


Also, in Japan's political system, it can be said that 'leaders change frequently.' Of the Japanese prime ministers, about 17.2% have served for more than four years.


Leaders in our country are like interchangeable parts, and they can be easily replaced due to “misjudgments,” “offensive words and actions,” and “money problems.”


In addition, the Japanese people also have the excellent ability to forget the past easily.

―― あいつら、馬鹿



I think that the Japanese political system and the Japanese people's light-footedness, where they can say, “If that person is no good, we'll replace them with this person,” is something that we can be proud of of the world.


If you “abuse the opposing candidate (personality) with dirty language,” you will immediately and wholly dig your own grave. The way elections are conducted in Japan (Japan) seems to be much better than the presidential elections in the United States.


However, recently, some people who are not so good have been standing for election and making a big show of “shame.”



ともあれ ――



'Immersion in others, whether it be support, obstruction, love or hatred, is ultimately a means of escaping from oneself.'


Ebata's interpretation ultimately comes back to this↓.



Posted by ebata