『一体、どこの誰が、こんな地図情報 ―― どう考えたって"内部情報"だよなぁ ―― を入手して、OpenStreetMapに展開したんだろう』


Different from the current Emperor system, I heard that it was only an emperor who can have a right to change calendar.

「暦を支配する = 日本を支配する」と同義という意味だそうです。

This seems to be that "Ruling calendar is equal to ruling Japan".


Like the above, editorial right to map of nation is exclusive right of the government.


It is hard for us to image the background, however, nation map was one of the top secret for national defense.


―― 地図を自分に都合よく改竄(かいざん)している私は、何者だろう?

So, thinking "What I am to falsify maps for my work",

てなことを考えながら、地図の改竄手順を試みています ―― もちろん、その地図は私のパソコンの中でのみ有効ですが。

I am try to falsify maps. Of course the map is valid in only my own PC.

街の中に道路を作って、ダイクストラ計算ができるか試してみた件 ―― JOSMを使った道路追加の方法を試す


If I upload the falsified maps, many people are in trouble in the world, so I take care of it seriously.



OpenStreetMap is a project to make open data geographic information by everyone to use it for everyone.


Anyone join it freely, edit the map freely、 and use the map freely.


Once I modified the map information and uploaded it.

―― 私の過失、または、悪意で、地図を改竄(かいざん)してしてしまったらどうするんだ?



The OpenStreetMap information is interesting, because the supporter's character will be expressed.


For example,


The information of Haga-Utsunomiya LRT has been provisioned, even the service is not started( "construction" tag is added), however,


Some roadway information that has already started, has not yet added in the map.


In addition.

『一体、どこの誰が、こんな地図情報 ―― どう考えたって"内部情報"だよなぁ ―― を入手して、OpenStreetMapに展開したんだろう』

"Who was to get the map information and provision it to OpenStreetMap, even it is obviously "confidential information""

とか、そういう野暮なことを口にしない ―― というところも好きです。

"Nobody say senseless things", I like it.


Posted by ebata