

I have a viewing practice of 'slumbering through a movie while coding,' which is something that should be infuriated by people who love movies.


I will leave it at that and write about two movies today.


(1)"Love from the Camp"


This was the hottest Japanese film of 2022.

妙な既視感があり、視聴後にちょっと調べてみたところ やっぱりありました。1993年にテレビで放送されていました。

I had a strange sense of déjà vu, and after watching it, I did a little research. There it was: it was broadcast on TV in 1993.


I'd like to see this one, and I've been exploring YouTube and the like, but I haven't found it yet.

私、この時のテレビドラマの方での衝撃がもの凄かったのです ―― 『遺言を記憶で運ぶ』というメソッド(方法)に、驚愕し、そして、深く感動いたしました。

I was shocked by the TV drama at that time -- I was astonished and deeply moved by the method of "carrying the will in memory."


Because of this personal background, I could not concentrate much on the movie (I was bothered by unnecessary things, like the camps being a bit too beautiful).


Regarding Lagerie, I recommend "Manchukuo Engi" by Yoichi Funado (I checked it out from the library, but it was a heavy (weight) book. It seems to be in a library now).


I recently talked about the live-action version of "Golden Kamui." I would also highly recommend "Ezochi Betsuden."



(2)Jojo Rabbit(2020)


As I have said before, I believe I have seen all the existing and publicly televised images of Auschwitz, as well as documentaries and films, without dropping them.


And, well,

―― 江端さんって、ナチズムの信奉者なのですか?

このような誤解もされているのですが ―― 繰り返しますが、私のスタンスは『ファッキン、ナチ』です。

There is also this misunderstanding -- again, my stance is "Fuck, Nazi."


This film was a fun film that balanced the comical and the serious against Nazism from the point of view of a child(?) before he joined the Hitler Youth.


I was tired of the Nazi content, and this film was a relief to me.


Both are available on Amazon Prime.



As of today, I am still in mass production of the program.


Posted by ebata