―― これ、ホストとゲストの関係じゃないぞ

WSL2が凄い ―― と、今、実感しています。

WSL2 is awesome -- and now I realize it.

WSL2は、Windows BoxでLinuxを使えるようにしたものです。

WSL2 is a Windows Box that allows you to use Linux on your Windows Box.

私、これ、長い間、WindowsをホストOSとする仮想マシン(ゲストOS)だと思ってきました ―― まあ、間違っていないのですが。

I have long thought that this is a virtual machine (guest OS) with Windows as the host OS -- well, I am not wrong.

で、ゲストOSは、かならずホストOSの性能に「足を引っ張られる」と決めつけていました ―― これも、一般的には間違っていません。

So, I assumed that the guest OS would always be "dragged down" by the performance of the host OS -- which is also generally not wrong.



But last year, the person in charge of commissioning the production contacted me and said, 'If you use WSL2, you can improve the performance of the Go language.


Despite our doubts, I actually used the system and confirmed the surprising improvement in performance.

―― これ、ホストとゲストの関係じゃないぞ

"This is not a host/guest relationship"


I finally realized that.


I looked into it, and I was right.


まあ、これだけでも凄いと思うのですが、Windowsの環境のディレクトリ構造をそのままで、"sudo apt install"等が使える、という、幸せに浸っております。

Well, I think this alone is great, but I am happy that I can use "sudo apt install" etc. without changing the directory structure of the Windows environment.

Linuxでの開発の記事の内容を、Windowsでそのままできて、コーディングはWindowsのvscodeそのままで問題なし ―― 天国かよ。

I can do the content of the article on development on Linux as it is on Windows, and coding is no problem with the Windows vscode intact -- is this heaven?

"sudo apt"も"wget"もできて、javaもlinux版がサクッとインストールできました。

I was able to do "sudo apt" and "wget" and install the linux version of java.

OpenTripPlanner のトライアル


For researchers who can't get away from Word or PowerPoint, but still need to develop on Linux, this is the perfect environment.



So, well, what I'm trying to say is,


When IT engineers use the words 'guest', 'host', 'happy', 'heaven', and 'best', they are talking about the IT development environment.

―― 下世話ことをしゃべっている訳ではない

"They are not talking about juicy story"


I want you to know that.


Posted by ebata