


(Continuation from yesterday)


"All adults are enemies against all children who tell their dream."


This is a correct social figure.


As an adult, I knew the importance of "No listening to others talk."


After keeping my eye open for "No listening to other's talk," I believe I could start translating my dream into action, even if the goal is small.


In addition, I knew that the worst enemy was Internet communication to interfere in "No listening to other's talk."


For persons who cannot have their dream in the closed universe, a "creator" in dreamers is an outlet for hostility.

Twitterであれ、Lineであれ、Facebookであれ、掲示板であれ、ネットの向こう側にいる人間の全ては、「何かを創り出そう」とする、あなたの行動を妨害しようとします ―― 批判とか批評とかという形を装いながら。

On the Internet, they are trying to interfere with you, if you are a creator, with Twitter, Line, Facebook, and other bulletin boards, giving the appearance of reviewers or critics.



From the opposite direction,


if you want to create something new,

何も創り出さない/出せない奴は ―― 誰であれ ―― あなたの敵になります。

any person who doesn't / cannot make things will be your enemy.


Posted by ebata