私は、奴を絶対に許さない ―― 絶対に


I can't help but if you think the code I am disclosing is "offensive."

―― 人のプログラムを読むことは、他人の人体を切り開いて、脳味噌や内蔵を覗きこむような不快感がある


I believe "code is good as long as it works," and I dare not clean up after code.


The most important thing is 'what I can remember later.'





Still, it is rare, but some people have been trying for weeks to understand my code and get it to work.


I try to answer questions from such people as much as possible.

私のコードを、ご自分の環境で無事動かした方には、『おめでとう & ありがとうメール』や、直接電話をして、祝辞を贈っています。

I congratulate those who have successfully run my code in their environment with a "Congratulations & Thank You Email" or by calling them directly.


However, there have only been about two of us in the last two years or so (by the way, this number does not include everyone at the software outsourcing company).


比して ――

Compared to the above,


You who said "offended" to me about the code I disclosed

私は、奴を絶対に許さない ―― 絶対に

I will never forgive you -- absolutely.


Posted by ebata