―― 今の私の選択を、一番喜んでくれているのは、父と母のような気がする


At this time of year, TV programs feature resort destinations.


But, to me, it is not a hit at all.


For more information, see "I Thought I Was Going to Choke to Death from Boredom" here.


Others have asked me once or twice, "What on earth do you enjoy doing for a living, Ebata?"



Speaking of things I've enjoyed in the past few years,

■ お袋の胃ろうの器具交換の為の移動のサポートを終えて、自宅に戻る時、新幹線の中で、ペットボトルのお茶と一緒の食べた「一口ういろう」

- I had a bite of Uiro with a bottle of tea on the bullet train when I returned home after helping my mother change her gastric bandage.

■ インターネットで注文した鮮魚を料理して、父が美味しそうにしている顔を見ながら食べた「魚の煮付け」

- I had Cooked fresh fish ordered over the Internet and ate it while watching my father's face as he enjoyed it.


And so on.


If you ask me, "Is that what makes Ebata so much fun?" I think it's a feeble answer myself.



I recently attended a working college, and I've been trying to figure out why I did this (outburst). So I reached the following.

―― 父と母が亡くなり、私に、学費分のお金を残してくれたから

"My father and mother died and left me enough money to pay for my schooling."



I gained resources (time and money) through the death of my father and mother.


父と母が存命の時は、入院、退院、様態の激変、病院や施設、市役所との折衝など ―― フロントとなってくれた姉の苦労には遠く及びませんが ―― それでも、気の張る日々だったと思います。

When my father and mother were alive, they were hospitalized, discharged, experienced drastic changes in their condition, and had to negotiate with hospitals, facilities, and city hall. Of course, it was nowhere near the hard work of my sister, who supported me in the front -- but still, I think it was a very stressful day.


At least I didn't have time to think about 'studying in college.


And since I was struggling to make ends meet with tuition and living expenses before I entered the workforce, I honestly wish I could use a time machine to deliver this money to me when I was living in a boarding house.


If I had been able to do that, I probably would not have become the "me" I am today.



All in all, I am a horrible person.


With the resources (time and money) gained from the death of my father and mother, I am studying in college.


I can say that I am the best parent unhappy child.


And I am not without guilt about it, either.


Even so,

―― 今の私の選択を、一番喜んでくれているのは、父と母のような気がする

"I feel like my father and mother are the most pleased with my choice now."



Well, that's my analogy and one-sided assumption.


Posted by ebata