中国本土から、原発事故の処理水の海洋放出に関して、中国から抗議の電話が日本各地に届いているらしいです ―― 民間人の施設に。
I heard that calls from mainland China have reached various parts of Japan protesting the release of treated water from the nuclear power plant accident into the ocean.
Watching the news, I think,
―― 抗議の電話するなら、ナンバーディスプレイの非表示対策くらいすればいいのに
"If you're going to call in protest, why not at least take measures to hide the number display?"
The fact that they call civilians in the first place shows a lack of intelligence.
Nevertheless, it would be difficult to attack the main line because the direct phone lines to the Japanese government would be controlled, and cyber attacks on the Internet have also been stepped up.
それにしても、今回の抗議は、やり方とした『拙(つたな)い』 ―― 国家やプロの匂いがしません。
Still, this protest is 'poor' as a way of doing things -- it doesn't smell national or professional.
Well, it may be a national diplomatic strategy that includes it.
I don't know what will happen now, but I think the scale of the protest is smaller than I expected.
I had assumed the worst-case scenario, at least an 'attack on a Japanese embassy abroad,' but it was much smaller than that.
Well, we will have to see what happens in the future without digression.
To begin with, after the Fukushima nuclear accident, it was thought that even machinery made in Japan was contaminated by radiation, and the world even stopped imports from Japan.
Even Japan has been checking all food imports from the EC immediately after the Chornobyl nuclear accident.
Do you all remember?
On March 23, 2011, 12 days after the Fukushima nuclear accident, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced that it had detected radioactive iodine-131 in tap water from the Kanamachi water purification plant (Katsushika Ward), which is about twice the level of the drinking standard for infants, and requested that "infants not consume tap water" (the request was lifted the following day).
I remember it well.
I did "Making 'Udon' with 'Tea'" in case of a shortage of drinking water.
At the request of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, we also attempted to 'make curry using cola.
It is a correct human reaction to say, 'I am afraid of radioactive materials.
It is advantageous for our country that China is willing to ban imports and check all products.
(Of course, I know how serious this is for those in the fishing industry suffering the full brunt of the rumors.)
ここは一つ、我が国の水産物を徹底的に調べて頂きましょう ―― 徒労に終わるかもしれませんが。
Let's thoroughly investigate our country's fishery products -- even though it may be a waste of time.
Or rather, we should invite a survey team from China and monitor it with a joint Japan-China survey team.
I think I'll give it about six months first.
I think the Japanese government should pay all the expenses for the stay, dispatch, and at least the research fees.