で、今、トータルの実験回数をカウントしたら、2000回を越えていて ―― 精魂尽き果てました。


Can you guess what this is?


This is an instrument for network measurement.


I had done analog measurements because of the hassle of a dedicated measurement system.


To put it bluntly, network measurement across multiple systems is quite cumbersome.


Creating an automated experimental system, however, is even more cumbersome.


In this experiment, the camera was illuminated with LED lights, and the time it took to be displayed was measured with a stopwatch.

で、今、トータルの実験回数をカウントしたら、2000回を越えていて ―― 精魂尽き果てました。

And now, when I counted the total number of experiments, it was over 2,000 -- I ran out of spirit.



Automation" has its own set of risks.


(1) In the middle of an experiment, not realizing that there are unnecessary experimental items, one goes through hell in the tallying process of many experimental results.


(2) Experiment automation leads to many unnecessary experiments, all of which end up in the trash.


like that.

実験は、アナログとデジタルの、バランスと、コストと、リスクを配慮してやらないと ―― 結構、ヒドい目にあいます。

If experiments are not conducted considering the balance between analog and digital, cost, and risk -- you may end up in a bad situation.



Posted by ebata