

When I was eating ice cream with my family today,


my daughter said


"Parents who have enrolled their children at Janny's."

という観点を提示されて ―― 衝撃を受けました。

I was presented with the perspective that -- I was shocked.


I could 'see' the case from my view for the first time.



Of course, this case is the work of a demon named "Johnny's Something," who was lucky enough to get away with his death.


There was not a single millimeter of error or defect on the victim's or guardian's part.


However, I cannot imagine the parents' frustration, sadness, and anger, not to mention the victims themselves.

もし、嫁や娘が、こんな形で陵辱されたら ―― 多分、私は『私を止めない』。

If my wife or daughter were to be humiliated this way -- maybe I wouldn't 'stop me.'



In this book, there is a story about Corporal Castle, a politician and soldier of the Wu Dynasty in ancient China during the Spring and Autumn period.


He fled Chuxing and went into exile in Wu after his father and brother were executed by King Ping of Chuxing.


Sixteen years later, Corporal Castle, now a general of Wu, fell the capital city of Chu (506 B.C.).

平王は既に死んでいたので伍子胥は王墓を暴き、平王の死体を300回に及び鞭打って恨みを晴らした ―― これが、「死者に鞭打つ(死屍に鞭むちうつ)」の語源になっています。

Since Ping Wang was already dead, Corporal Castle uncovered the royal tomb and whipped Ping Wang's corpse 300 times to settle his grudge -- this is the origin of the phrase "whipping the dead."



I would not be surprised if something similar happened in our country today.

―― 驚くことに、あの学校は組織的な"ジャニーズ(児童性虐待)"をしていました。


Posted by ebata