『抑うつは、運動や、食事改善や、レジャーや、サウナで、改善する』と、本気で思っていて、それを公言していた過去の私を ―― タイムマシンに乗って、半殺しにしてやりたいくらいです。


Currently, my depressive symptoms seem to be slowly improving, but they say that amateur judgment is the scariest thing of all. I am still closely watching myself to be on my guard.


Two things scare the heck out of me when I am depressed.

―― メールとチャット

"Email and Chat"


I'm already scared to death. These are the 'two major knives' of life.


How scary is scary enough to make me think, 'I'd instead be stabbed with a real knife.


Because they will think, 'If I get stabbed, I can escape by being hospitalized.


This is about remote work, but if I have to come to work, I think it can become 'as scary as climbing the stairs on the death row.'


(Incidentally, there seem to be no stairs in Japanese prisons.)


「抑うつで、仕事が思うように進まない」 →

'I'm depressed and not getting as much done at work as I would like.'

「当然に、進捗の問い合わせがくる」 →

'Naturally, they will inquire about our progress.'

「進捗遅れを報告しなければならいが、ロジカルに理由を説明できない」 →

I have to report a delay in my progress, but I can't logically explain why."


I'm scared to death."


This is the above flow.



Nevertheless, it is also true that work nowadays is impossible without email and chat.


So when you ask me things by email and chat, I would appreciate it if you could ask me mechanically, without reprimanding me or anything, in a short message if possible.


No, not really.


It is also true that such inorganic emails and chats, on the contrary, make me feel as if I am blamed, which is "painful" ("agony") in its way.


Hmmm, what on earth should I do?


I don't know.


自分が抑うつ症状になって、初めてこんなことが分かり始めている ―― というあたりに、私の人生の底の浅さが露呈しています。

I am only beginning to understand these things when I have depressive symptoms myself -- this means my life's depths are exposed.

『抑うつは、運動や、食事改善や、レジャーや、サウナで、改善する』と、本気で思っていて、それを公言していた過去の私を ――

I used to think and profess to believe that depression could be improved by exercise, a better diet, leisure activities, and saunas.


I want to get in a time machine and kill my past self, half to death.




Posted by ebata