As I have written, I dislike the line "even if I make me against the world."
However, there are absolute governments and people who make it their "national policy."
By the way, there was a time when the youth of our country (not all youth, of course) were in solidarity in support of Palestine (anti-Israel, of course).
Support for Palestine in the Japanese student movement of the 1970s continued into later years and played a role in supporting Palestine's quest for independence and rights.
抗議運動、デモンストレーション、パレスチナ解放機構(PLO)への支援、加えて、ベトナム反戦運動、など、はっきりいって、当時の大学キャンパスは、無法地帯 ―― もとい「開放区」だったのです。
Protests, demonstrations, support for the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), and the anti-Vietnam war movement, to name a few, the university campus at the time was a lawless zone, or rather, an 'open zone.'
Unfortunately, I was born about 15 years too late and missed the chance to stand in this "open zone," but I believe I have kept up with the residue.
For example, in this way.
I am a college student now, and it seems my university was a famous mother of radical activities in the 1960s and 1970s.
However, as far as I can see, not a single student is shouting "Palestine solidarity" on college campuses.
Well, naturally.
I would be surprised if any student on a college campus today knew about the "Palestinian issue."