―― 「一途」ではなく、「0.7途」とか「0.5途」くらい


This is next my impression after watching episode 12(final) of 懼My Youth Romantic Comedy is Wrong,As I Expected ? Final"



By the way, I forgot to say,


The most important phrase in this final episode is.


"Was there a law that you shouldn't love someone who has a boyfriend ?"



In addition,


"There's no way those two are going to last"

という考察も、なかなかい鋭いです ―― 正直、この人物の実年齢を疑うレベルの達観度です。

This consideration also has a considerable impact. To be honest, I doubt the actual age of her.


私が知る限り、ティーンエイジャの恋愛が、長期間続いたという事例 ―― 例えば、結婚に至った等 ―― は、レアケースです。

As far as I know, cases of teenage love that have lasted for long periods is extreme rare. -- e.g., ending in marriage.


In addition, while the romantic coherent time for "messy people" is "short",


The love coherent time between "messy humans" is "terribly short".


I am convinced that this hero and heroine catastrophe (the first one) occurs while in high school, and


That's why the possible strategy of the other heroine is clear.


"Maintaining friendships that won't break up.



She chose a really clever strategy based on a long-term view.



In my case,


even if I hear her boyfriend bragging and complaining about it,


even if she reported her matchmaking to me.


even if she says no to my proposal,

それでも、「友人」という位置だけはキープし続ける ―― という、戦略を採用しました。

Nevertheless, I adopted the strategy of keeping the position of "friend" -- that's all.



Of course, you can't be "single-minded love" in such a strategy.

恋愛はエネルギーを消費する行動であり、「出力値 x 出力時間」は一定値だからです。

This is because love is an energy-consuming behavior, and "output value x output time" is a constant value.


Hence, 100% "single-mindedness" is not a good fit for this strategy.

―― 「一途」ではなく、「0.7途」とか「0.5途」くらい

So, "0.7-mindedness" or "0.5-mindedness" will be better than "single-mindedness".



Other energy can be allocated to "hobbies" or "work" for the time being, like portfolio.


And people who are "single-minded" tend to get taken advantage of in a good way (such as the so-called "Mr. Keeper").


On the other hand, keep in mind that this strategy is also about "daring to act (or appear to act) in that role (Mr. Keep)



Well, the biggest difficulty with this strategy is that you have to measure "love not being fulfilled" in your plan from the beginning.

このような確率に基づく恋愛戦略が、ティーンエイジャたちに受け入れられるか ―― ということが、最大の障壁でもあります。

One of the biggest barriers is the acceptance of this probability-based relationship strategy by teenagers -- and that's the biggest barrier.


Posted by ebata