『東アジア反日武装戦線の桐島聡を確保』 ―― このニュースを聞いた時に、私は、本当に驚きました。

『東アジア反日武装戦線の桐島聡を確保』 ―― このニュースを聞いた時に、私は、本当に驚きました。

"Satoshi Kirishima of the East Asian Anti-Japanese Armed Front secured" -- When I heard this news, I was shocked.


Any Japanese person would recognize his face (you could always find a picture of it posted in front of the police box).


He is the leading terrorist responsible for a series of business bombings.


However, my knowledge is also limited to books.


After all, I was in elementary school when the bombing occurred.



The next extremist group that comes to my mind after the two major supermarkets of "Chu-Kaku" and "Kanmaru" (now in financial difficulties due to lack of successors) is the "East Asian Anti-Japanese Armed Front."



(Incidentally, the largest supermarket in terms of "not denying revolution (denying violent revolution?)" is the "Japanese Communist Party. )


Aside from that.



When I heard this news,

―― 日本の警察って、スゲーなぁ

"Japanese police are amazing!"


I was impressed, but it seems that the person himself was revealed in a way unrelated to the police investigation.


He, who had terminal cancer, seemed to confess his real name to us himself.


For some reason, I have not been able to shake the feeling of bewilderment since yesterday.

- 最期に全てを自白して果てるとは、良い覚悟だ

- It's an excellent resolution to confess everything at the end.

- 最期になってから全てを自白するとは、情けない野郎だ

- He's a pathetic son of a bitch, confessing everything at the last minute.

- 革命戦士としての矜持があるなら、無名の戦士として消えていくべきだ

- If he is proud to be a revolutionary warrior, he should have disappeared as an unknown warrior.

- 革命戦士としての総括するのであれば、残りの力を振り絞って、事件の全容を語り尽くせ

- If he is going to sum up as a revolutionary warrior, then use all his remaining strength to tell the whole story of the incident.


I have been annoyed since yesterday, not knowing how to evaluate this terrorist bombing (I think it is probably "confirmed" that he is a terrorist).


The news of Satoshi Kirishima's custody comes at a time when the defendant Aoba in the Kyo-Ani arson and murder case has been sentenced to death (but only at the first trial and is currently on appeal).


The 1974 bombing of the Mitsubishi Heavy Industries headquarters building killed eight people and seriously injured 108 others.


Regarding terrorist incidents, the two can be considered in the same category.


末期ガンであろうがなんであろうが、なんか彼を生かせ続けて、あの事件(連続企業爆破事件)を本人がどのように総括するのかを、私は、彼の口から聞きたいのです ――

I would like to hear from him how he would sum up that incident (the serial business bombings) by keeping him alive, terminal cancer or not.


Whatever it takes.



Posted by ebata