―― いいなぁ、そんなに夢のある会社なら、私もそこに再就職したいなぁ


Recently, my second daughter has been attending remote information sessions for job hunting.


She sometimes opens the computer in the living room, so when it butts up with meal times, I bring my meals into my room to eat.


And, well, in the meantime, I'm hearing a bit of a presentation,

―― いいなぁ、そんなに夢のある会社なら、私もそこに再就職したいなぁ

"I envy you. If it's such a dream company, I wish to work at the company again."


I sometimes think that.



With apologies to job hunters and corporate recruiters, but looking back over my life so far, I'm sorry to say this, but in my life,


I've found that most of the time, the "dream companies" are just dreams.


A company information session is what we call a "blind date.

『夢があるだけ』の男や女の無責任な発表会場の延長 ―― と考えるのが妥当でしょう。

It is reasonable to consider it an extension of the irresponsible presentation halls of men and women who "only have dreams" -- a place for irresponsible presentations.


If you want to keep your job for a long time, it is crucial not to dream excessively.

―― 私たちは、自分の人生を自分でコントロールできない



Posted by ebata