残り少ない人生も、こんな風に、訳の分からないままずっと走り続けるのかなぁ、と考えると ―― いや・・・、考えたら、負けだ。

―― システム障害というのは、台風や地震と同じような、天災である


Today, I could not write in my diary on kobore.net (I can write in WordPress).


I threw an email to customer support, though,

―― どっかのグループが、私に壮大な嫌がらせをしているんじゃないか

"I think some group is spectacularly harassing me."


I seriously doubt that this is the case.


As you can imagine, I no longer have the energy to write the wrong article.


I also have a mountain of tasks (in addition to dealing with the system failure, I have to revise a paper, draft a conference presentation manuscript, and two seminar presentation materials) this weekend, but my heart is already broken.

残り少ない人生も、こんな風に、訳の分からないままずっと走り続けるのかなぁ、と考えると ―― いや・・・、考えたら、負けだ。

I wonder if I will continue to run like this for the rest of my life without knowing why. No, if I think about it, I will lose.


Posted by ebata