「江端家プロジェクト(The project of "the Ebatas") ―― プロジェクト "E"」



Sometimes, I watch 'New/Project X' left on my HDD recorder.



In this program, site supervisors and craftsmen struggle in deplorable working conditions.


I may wonder what this was regarding the current Labour Standards Act.


Of course, I am well aware that, at the time, it was legal or routine, and I do not intend to criticize the way of working in this program, not one millimeter.


I am simply interested.


実は、私、このような働き方を、ずっと見てきました ―― 亡き父と母の背中と、その二人がやってきた町工場で。

I've seen this way of working all my life - on the backs of my late father and mother and in the town factories where they both came from.


But they had no state imperative, no social significance, only a single point: to protect our family, and they were fighting for our lives (In fact, my father had to be hospitalized for overwork, and my mother nearly died in an accident).

これは、「江端家プロジェクト(The project of "the Ebatas")」

It was the 'the Ebatas' ('the Ebatas') project.

―― プロジェクト "E"

"Project 'E'"


I believe that.

誰にも知られず、何かの番組にもならず、地上の星ですらありませんが ―― これが、私の生き方の指針となりました。

Although my father and mother were unknown to anyone, their work is not a show of any kind, not even their earthly star -- however, their life has guided my way of life.



I think this kind of parenting encourages the child, but recently, I have also started to believe that it might make the child 'depressed.'

―― できるだけ無様な自分を、ありのままにさらけ出す


Posted by ebata