

I can use more than one language (i.e., programming languages).

とくに、C言語とGO言語については、かなり使い込んでいまして ―― 現在も、私は、会社の中で『呪文言語を扱う魔術師』という立ち位置で、使い倒されています。

In particular, I have used the C and GO languages to a great extent - even now, I am used to the position of ‘spell-casting language wizard’ in the company.



The C and GO languages have a similar design philosophy, and the GO language is sometimes said to be an evolution of the C language (although I think it is not).


So, naturally, the idea is to use a fusion of the two.

これが、"cgo" ―― GoからCの関数/型にアクセスするために用いるパッケージであり、簡単に言えば、『Cで書かれたライブラリを、Goでも再利用できる』ようにするものです。

This is ‘cgo’ - a package used to access C functions/types from Go, which, simply put, allows ‘libraries written in C to be reused in Go’.



Some years ago, I tried and failed to do this 'cgo'.


It was my hobby, and I didn't mind if it failed.



However, when it comes to ‘business,’ the story is entirely different.

『動かさなければ、何もしなかったことになる』 ―― これが、ソフトウェア開発の怖いところです。

‘If you don't move it, you haven't done anything’ - this is the scary part of software development.


There are few references, and in some cases, ‘none at all.’


For those who do programming as a job, published books are often not helpful.


When reading the book, ‘I already knew it’ is inevitable.


ただ ―― 動かないプログラム、動かないシステムというのは、本当に怖いです。

However,  a program that doesn't work, a system that doesn't work, is horrifying.


There is always the fear that if you work on a computer 18 hours a day for a week and the program doesn't work, you might be asked, ‘What have you been doing all week?’


Patent specifications and reports, whatever their content, will increase as they are written and will be finished at some point. Of course, I don't mean to suggest that these tasks are easy.

しかし、成果が"0"か"1"でしか評価できないプログラム ―― しかも、それが、自分だけの努力では、なんともならないもの(例:ハードウェアやミドルウェアとの相性)である場合は、もうどうしようもありません。

However, if the results of a program can only be evaluated on a scale of ‘0’ or ‘1’ - and this cannot be managed by your efforts alone (e.g., compatibility with hardware or middleware), there is nothing more you can do.



ChatGPT has done a lot of work.


When I said, 


‘That's the third time today I've had to explain the same thing that way.’


When I am sarcastic in this way, ChatGPT apologizes and adequately starts explaining for the fourth time.


It can't be helped.


Even ChatGPT would have said, ‘I don't know everything. Only what I know.


There is a considerable amount that ChatGPT does not know.


And every time something new appears, ChatGPT must also learn from scratch.



Anyway, I just got the first 'cgo' program working, and I sigh with relief.

不安の溜息と安堵の溜息 ―― ソフトウェアエンジニアは、いつだって溜息をついています。

Sighs of anxiety and sighs of relief -- Software engineers are always sighing.



Posted by ebata