

There used to be a junior colleague of mine. And my junior had a subordinate.


He once tried to get his subordinate to do his job (responding to reasons for refusal from the patent office). Still, he could not logically explain the reasons for the work order and was 'elder mounted' and tried to get a newcomer to do that job.


I watched the exchange from the side and interjected because it was about patents.

―― 自分で生み出していないモノ(特許明細書)を、その発明に関与していない人に頼むことは、筋が通っていないし、無理だと思う

"I don't think it makes sense or is impossible to ask someone who has not been involved in the invention to do something (patent specification) that the persons did not create by themselves."



In short, I have openly and publicly made him lose face.



I have been in the same situation.


One thing I did at this time to overcome this difficulty was shouting 

『お願いします! どうか、私を助けて下さい!』

'Please! Please help me!"

と、真剣に心の底から土下座してお願いをする ―― この一択です。

Seriously, I will get down on my knees from the bottom of my heart and make a request—this is the only option.



I don't have a sense of distinction between juniors and seniors.


I consider the boss's feelings or wishes, but it is a 'means.'


Even now, I bow my head to university students to request something.


To begin with, all of my research supervisors at the university are younger than me (of course).


It is natural for human beings to extend the most significant possible courtesy to those helping me, whoever they may be.



Thanks to this mindset, I can do my business without the need to mount a trivial


When I remember when and where I set this mindset, I think, 'Maybe since I proposed to my wife.'


'To get her to marry me, I had to crawl on the ground, slurp mud, throw away my self-respect, and go through the humiliation of licking her feet.'

江端さんのひとりごと 「メールのやり取り(その8)」


I think I have completed the mindset at this time.


Posted by ebata